Welcome to Łódzka Wieś! This is my first map inspired by a village in the Lodz voivodeship.
Map includes
- compatibility with the Precision Farming mod
- compatibility with the seasons mod (Alpine DLC trees, bushes, decofoliage and ice plane)
- compatibility with the MaizePlus modem
- 2 playable farms
- one purchase of cereals
- buying milk, eggs, wool, carrots, onions, potatoes and beets
- buying straw
- water and lime collection point
- sawmill
- road and pedestrian traffic
- gas station
- biogas plant
- several forests
- additional crops (rye, triticale, alfalfa, clover, spelled, mustard, miscanthus, carrot, onion, horse grass, field grass and fodder grass)
- 220 fields (including meadows)
- soil 360 (multiterrain)
- new textures for fields, plants and terrain painting
- starting machines
- animated door and light
- lighting in windows and on the streets
- field missions
- tipCol in buildings
- proprietary PDA
- and a lot more…
- A second grain store has been added
- Animals improved
- Placeable buildings added
- Added more terrain paint textures
- House with interior improved
- Teleport to water extraction point has been improved
- Added doors and lighting in the house on the mouse button
- Optimization improved
- Cotton removed correctly (shouldn't be bugs anymore)
- ModMap.lua file updated
- Fixed some minor things
I would recommend people who have already played on the map to create a new save, but I'm not 100% sure it is worth it.
Errors that could crash the save have been removed from the map, so I would still recommend creating a new save to avoid any problems and enjoy the proper functioning of the map.
?Customized mods?
▶ MaizePlus
▶ Seasons
▶ Precision Farming DLC
⛔ When taking the map to other forums, do not change the link, map author and photos⛔
⛔ PROHIBITED issuing own edits of the map ⛔

1 Downloads in
3 years ago

Dear (Piotr 777) Modhub moderator, please upload screenshots of PDA map when you share the link to mod maps! Please, I beg you very much!!!
Support my little request with likes!
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