Map Template - Perfekt für Deine neue Karte!
Hallo zusammen!
Für euch Bastler gibts heute ein MapTemplate. Es ist eine komplett leere Karte.
Einige Sachen wurden aber schon gemacht:
Die Shared/Shaders - Ordner sind leer, d.h. momentan werden auf die Shader im Installationsverzeichnis verwiesen. Das spart euch (etwas) an Dateigröße!
Es gibt einen Ordner "xml". Dort sind alle Xml-Dateien hinterlegt. Hier könnt Ihr alles mögliche festlegen. Schaut da auf jeden Fall mal rein!
Ich hoffe das erleichtert etwas den Einstieg ins LS19-Mappen!

2 Downloads in
6 years ago

Why can't we have animals on all these blank maps? I love to farm the fields all day but I love tending to my animals too. Looks like the 5 blank maps, "with no animals", that have come out will be the only one's for 2 years and even if they do, I'm sure, for some reason we won't have any animals anyway. I'll be playing FS 2017 tonite. I have a 2017 blank multifruit map with all the animals, and a few more I made and all have animals. I made about 5 FS 2015
In my previous comment, it would let me only say so many things. I will not be playing FS 2019 whatsoever unless someone comes out with a blank map with all the animals too. It'd be nice if it was a 4X map. But I doubt any thing I said will ever happen.
um if im not mistaken BOCEPHUS the animal part in editing was taken out. the animal pens are placed in game and not in editor anymore.
i might be wrong. im just now starting to mess with fs19 new editor.
I like the way you did the map template. If you would please release a 4X map. It looks like you have the tools to make oats and others. If you would consider do the sorghum, Sudan grass and black bean.
I tried the 4x map,Can't own the whole farm or fields without some stupid looking helper or farmer popping up telling you he has to work for you or you lease the fields.. I want a whole map that's mine and I can plant or do anything I want to without one of those STUPId looking FARMERS or FARMERS helper popping up. Why can't the fs 2019 blank maps be like the past farming simulators. I think it's pretty sorry of them doing us like this
@Bocephus your an idiot
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