Maps JZD Vidhostice CZ v1.0.0.0


Hello Welcome to the map of JZD Vidhostice, the map is large both in size and by elaboration of individual

factories and fields. On the map is X crops, which are needed both for the production of animal feed and for other production

processes. All plants have CZ/AJ/DE/RU labels on which commodities are needed to start production. There is a vineyard and wine

processing so hops for processing hops, which we have built according to a real model. The map has X factories, X Fields, X cowshed,

a few smaller farms where you can park machines so that there are not so many machines on the main farm and therefore you do not fall

FPS. The map is intended for MP rather than SP. SP is a real challenge for real farmers. There is a manure system built into the map,

but the map works without it. JZD Vidhostice has several active speed radars, I'd be careful how fast you're going so your hard-earned

money doesn't get the local police department.



Addon strawHarvest

Supported modes:


PrecisionFarmingJZD (added crops, compost, sludge)


DtP Mario, Team JZD Vidhostice

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