Title: Mayrath Grain Auger
Price: 25500
Category: auger Wagons
Authors: Brad Squire Bcbulher killerrf alfalfa6945
Not my mod but i do have permison to upload and (DO NOT UPLOAD ANYWHERE ELSE)
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
where is a bin you could use this in?
You really do not need a bin. You could use it to heap pile for storage.
i will make a silo to use this on
that will be nice a cool bin to use
This is a great auger mod but it does need a bin at least a sukup of brock brand to make farm realistic or use it in an in ground slurry pit to load slurry tank for fertlilizing field
Do you know when the bin will be out I can hardly wait to use it?
Please make it autoload. sitting in tractor repeatedly pressing I is extremely annoying
Boot Doesn't fold correctly jacks auger in the air
I have made a bin and linked the video in the videos section
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