Many were waiting for that one, Conversion I just did from fs17 to fs19, the mineapolis moline g1355 with optional front loader, you can't have the front loader on at the same time as the front weight, so don't ask why it won't show, check what option you just put on it! New sound file, fs19 ingame lights, credits to OldIron1214 for the original mod. Nothing Udim'd since I can't use blender but it still look pretty good!
- 1 Downloads in
4 years ago
Great mod thank you.
good old American muscle
I love this mod thank u
A very welcome addition to the game, Thank you.
Nice job no errors what so ever.
im a nut for minnie molines, this just satisfies my niche for them lmfao
Finally been waiting for months
cant get it in game please help
so cool
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