Multifruit Silo mit Erweiterung v3.0



Version 3
Fits the new Nordfriesian march version, an update from the silo.
Now you can store compost and tobacco

This pack also includes a Multifruit Hofsilo with 400,000 Lieter capacity, an XL silo with 800,000 L and an expansion option with 350,000 L volume. The silo is suitable for the North Frisian march but can of course be used on any other map.

The following fruits can be stored in the silos:

Wheat, Barley, Oats, Corn, Rape, Potatoes, Sugar beet, Sugarcane, Sunflowers, Manure, Lime, Seed, Pig feed, Wood chips, Soybeans, Grass, Hay, Straw, Chopped, Fertilizer, Silage, Compound feed, Rye, Hops, Onions, Millet, spelled, poppy.

Please only with original download link on other pages.
Thank you and have fun with the mod
Kind regards
FedAction LetsPlay


fedaction letsplay

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