Here we have this for you
New Holland CR 120 years Pack.
Im pack included:
- Capello Diamant HS8
- Capello Helianthus
- Leguan
- New Holland CR790
- New Holland Header 25
Everything on FS17 standard 100% clean Log and server-compatible
Have fun with the mod
WHY - do we need CONVERTED MAPS and EDITED FS17 Mods??????..are YOU that LAME of a modder.. and.. yet you fucks claim to be genius's..Nothing NEW will ever be modded for FS19. its all bullshit and a waste of ones time.
Hope right on it dude, or do you have a p*$$Y between them legs? LOL My guess if you were modding for sh!t you would come out two turds in the hole...LOL You don't like the stuff others are releasing, then do your own damn modding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought online racing games have a lot of whining people, but they are NOTHING compared to the knuckle dragging swamp twats who play Farming Simulator!!!
I swear your right. I see your comments all over this site - but who cares. for the past 90 days, junk mods had been re-edited, stolen - re posted 2wice removed, inbreed shit. cant tell one mod from another..your right - i did drop a load of crème on your sisters back porch earlier..she was scratching her front porch..just like a kuckle dragger.
Well problem with that is I don't even have a sister, so you must have dropped your load on/in your own sister...Hahahahahahaha
And juding on you behaviure and language you have yet to exit kindergarden, honestly dude, GROW UP!!!
You might want to calm down before typing, because you make way too many mistakes when raging.
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