The map is adapted to the Odenwald, therefore not a real replica.
Update 1.0.1
- Adapted sales points
+ Mill
+ Land trade
+ Ledli
- Deco cars moved
It's for people who love to play with small to medium-sized tractors. 3 courtyards, 1 shop, 1 BGA, 1 carpenter (wood sales) and 3 points of sale can be found on the map.
(Attention, latest version here)
This is my first "Odenwälderlande" map that I have built.
It is a single ticket WITHOUT production, Seasons and Mais +
The plan is to convert the card into the LS22. So no seasons yet.
Hope you like it, I've put a lot of effort and hope I can make some of you happy with the card.
I would be very happy to receive feedback :)
Map Discord: Ancient Realms
Timbered Farmpack | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
Cowshed 3 + 3 | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
Small Grain Silo | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
Machineshed | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
TimberedFarm | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
Lizard Bunker Silo | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
Participation in the map:
If you have any idea about mapping, you like the map and you want to contribute more, please write to me on Discord =)
Seasons working ok !
pc chasht all the time
schade.läuft bei mir nicht.lädt und bleibt dann stehen
Timbered Farmpack | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
Cowshed 3 + 3 | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
Small Grain Silo | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
Machineshed | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
TimberedFarm | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
Lizard Bunker Silo | ModHub | Agriculture simulator
Can you explaine, WHY are the REQUIRED MODS are NOT includet with in the Map !??
It make NO sence to download it without this required mod, this is nonsens!
and no supporto....a desclasico
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