Hello guys!
FS Miner's Creations!
I see some TP gameplay screenshots and some guys have plastic road barriers , I want to have something like this too ...
So I design and ingame my plastic road barriers and now as always I will share with you .
Pack includes 3 models Red,White and Orange.
Feautures :
Tension Belt Support
Can Stop The Traffic
I think the the size is too big , leave a comment what you think , and I can fix them.
Visit My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZMiXyCoP_vqMgYxv5aBvKw
Support my work: paypal.me/NGeorgios
Des plots plastiques plus gros que le camion...super réaliste ! pourquoi en faire plusieurs , alors qu'un seul peint en rouge et blanc serai suffisant, faudrait juste l'agrandir de la taille de la route.
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