Hello! Participate in the races on the farm, you can chase any technique. At the beginning of the base, you will have three different vehicles. The monster truck has altered the speed of all three exactly 121 km. The road is not ordinary but not straight, it will be difficult for you to compete with friends on the map of Felsbrunn. good luck to everyone No. 1 Download the Race FS19 mod there are many different objects and vehicles built Monster truck No. 2 Download the archive save the game FS19, you need to unzip the folder and put it in the path: C: \ Users \ USERNAME \ Documents \ My Games \ FarmingSimulator2019 \ - - Download second link

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I want tanks and WarThunder planes.
Looks like complete Asshole
Why do people comment rude remarks on a FREE mod or map? If you personally don't like it then be an adult and just don't download it. No reason to let your inner spoiled little child attitude start showing by posting useless garbage. Show the respect that you would like to get. Its just a game guys, don't be that guy, it just makes you look bad.
Fuck. You. Cunt.
yes sirrrr
So AKTHESAVAG is a prime example of what I'm talking about. He let his inner spoiled child out and you see the type of unintelligent vulgar comment he made. He is a product of not enough respectful roll models in his life or he is in his late thirties and still lives in moms basement and his only friend is his crusty sock puppet. Don't be this guy.
fuck the haters, its just children showing their true colors and ages online. hiding behind a screen and taping away on their keyboards. it's sad, it really is.
Couldn't agree more with the above 2 comments but unfortunately this site is full of haters that couldn't be nice to people if you paid them. The amount of times a troll has told someone to kill themself on here is incredible, it's about time this site was either moderated in a proper way or take down completely.
Always with the big words. LMFAO
LOL. Not a "Hater". Just tired of Complete TRASH mods filling up this website. You could easily make that map with the in-game editor and placeable mods. No need for that garbage on here. You guys need to come to the realization that just because someone can "Edit" something, does NOT make them a modder. Just look at the 9 billion piece of shit pick up truck "Mods" edited by 11 year old kids, that just fill it with errors, make it look stupid and upload it on here. Complete. Fucking. Trash. ( BT
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