On the map you can find EVERYTHING you actually want to do, it can be just Logging or Farming. If you want farming, you will have a big farm(you need to play a career game) some equipment as well and a very nice prices for fields and crops. There is absolutely interesting crops, there is a huge variants of mountains and in stuff like that. If you're going to do some trees logging, this map is the best Choice! All tree crops, are made for every logging style, it can be American or European style, whatever. There is huge count of swamps in forests and in stuff like that! Also we have a lots of types of wood, you will see them as well(such trees, what we can harvest with some harvesters and bunchers as well). On the map there is more than 150 000 trees! Map will be soon updated, and will be added some sawmills, or farming productions. With the best wishes WarBossBY.

1 Downloads in
4 years ago

B.O.B. Flyover - Ramna Map - Farming Simulator 19 - https://youtu.be/GYJo9qpd558
3 thoughts on this map.
1) Land it too broken up and sometimes scattered
2) Land costs too much
3) The bumpy dirt roads built into the map should go away
Other than those 3 items, I think the map is great and look forward to a version where the above are fixed.
thank you for your commentI will keep your suggestions in mind
One of the most realistic logging maps to date. I was a logger in Oregon and this map has some resemblance to areas I’ve logged. Well done!
Thanks a lot of work has been put into this map and ideas I myself work in the field of logging which is why I wanted to bring it as close to reality as possible
Is this Map and version Seasons compatible?
this is cool map bro! but i can't find the shop point on this map?? is it bug??
hiwell on the map it definitely has a store iconbut in the game world itself perhaps not in the next patch will be fixedthank you for your comments
why is it so hard for people to upload a map and NOT add a picture of said map ? i'm not downloading it just to see what it looks like.
I would very much like the players to write their opinion in the comments about the map as it is very interesting to get an opinion from the outside
Wow! Very nice map and so large. Can't wait for those placables for logs. I like the "SAWMILL V1.2.0.0" its here on modhub. Would really fit the aesthetics of your map. It is also the best I've used. Very realistic with loads of visuals. Don't think the author would mind if u use it.
I totally disagree with Tested. Scattered land and small patches of it really make u think what to buy and where to start or where to move next. Bumpy roads also very nice. Or what u guys think tht all forest
Thank you for your commentsI worked on this map aloneit took a lot of time to create this map and there will be new updates for the map soonYes I plan to load the map on MadhubWhen I drew this map I wanted to show everyone that you can make forests and such a large number of roads make you get confused in the forest
roads r paved with asphalt? XD Also u can avoid those roads if u really want to. So yeah... Be resourceful, use your head, it's fun. Otherwise just cheat, it is allowed in this game. XD Also I think author just ran out of land types, theres just so many and a lot of land patches. So I vote for those things to stay. I'd have to agree on price. But that is not a big issue. "gsCheatMoney (sum of discount)" enter... tada! I vote U spend your time for something better. Maybe tree type changes r a bi
Love that harbor sell point. Brilliant idea n something new. Perfect for Liebherr HighStacker. :) Too bad log prices r not adjustable. Would be nice if extra work for unloading payed more.
A small description of placables would be nice. Took me a while to figure out there's actually 3 log sell points :D
Oh and did U make it yourself or there is a team of ppl?
This map belongs on officil modhub! I suggest U submit it.
Found some bugs. There r some buildings that u can clip through and bins on sell point 5 and 6
Also discovered that the white fence, where all the animal pens are, has missing collisions. Posts r collidable but u can drive right through the horizontal boards. :)
One more thing that I noticed is that I get huge FPS drops when I look in certain directions. Though my PC is definitely not something U should be benchmarking on :D Still, performance might be a problem that won't let U publish this on official site.
Yes I saw this problem with the fenceit has already been fixed As for performance I also try to find ways to improve it Thank you very much for your comments and finding problem areas on the map If you find something elsewrite
I wanna do a massive edit to this map, add some US style 2 lanes, and some global company wood product factories. Contact me on my modding Facebook page if you dont mind, HD modding, got a few questions to ask, great job on the map btw
thank you though I dont quite understand how and where to find you
I think you did an excellent job on the terrain, the ruff logging trails are a blast to drive on.
The variety of trees is nice, best logging map I have played so far!
I play with seasons, so I was wondering if you have a good suggestion for a GEO for Belarus, I assume that is where it is located do to the Flags.
Anyway, Great Map!!
Thank you very much for your comment I have a new map coming out soonand I think youll like it There will be new updates about this mapRamna map there are a lot of ideas for this map
A work of brilliance.....by far the best map I have seen.....I love the way the land is layed out and is expensive....it makes it a bit of a game to keep ahead, especially with some long hauling distances....
thanks buddyYes it took me a lot of time to create this map but it was worth it
Purchased myself a new PC finally. Now I can play on this map in comfort. Had some performance issues before. I also heard you were working on a smaller version of this map to upload it to Giants modHub. is that true?
thank you for your choice I recently released a new map called Eledan As for the Ramna mapIm preparing updatesbut it wont be soon
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