Welcome to Ravensberg. The map is fictitious, but similarities in names with real towns are intentional. A Middle German landscape with great attention to detail awaits you in the look of a model railway and invites you to discover and linger.
Again there is paintable soil with plants and bushes. The map is Seasons- and Maize Plus Ready and supports Maize Plus Forage and Horse Extension (PC/MAC version only).
Attention: For the full range of the update changes in V1.1.0.0 (have a look at the changelog) you need a new savegame. To play with the productions of VSR Modding Sur on consoles, choose "Ravensberg Productions" during map selection Seasons is not compatible with the productions).
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- two pre-built farms (completely saleable, also borders and fences)
- four towns/villages
- 44 fields (size: 1 - 8ha), 7 meadows, 18 woodland sections
- 6 areas for placeable objects in different sizes
- one cowshed installed at each farm
- one horse farm installed
- three railway silos
- railway station for wood
- one BGP pre-placed
- 8 points of sales for crops, 2 for wool, wood and bales and 1 for woodchips
- dynamic AI traffic with a top speed of 45 km/h, slows down at intersections
- support of "Manure System" at the BGA and the cowsheds
- adapted transport missions with new pallets
- Field Grass used as an additional fruit
- new grass texture (with flowers)
- Holmer T4-40 and Ropa Panther 2 converted for potato harvest (to be found under potato harvesting)
- Seasons-Ready
- Precision Farming support
- 100% Maize Plus ready incl. Forage and Horse Extension (only PC/MAC; Maize Plus Mods are optional)
- support of Mod "HoT Animated Object Extend" (only PC/MAC)
- support of production mods from VSR Modding Sur (erShaba und Vanquish081; only Consoles)
Script extensions (PC/MAC only):
- fruit destruction 2.0
- multi-terrain angle (32 angles)
- display of texture names in the landscaping tool
- increased maximum amount of tipping heaps to 127
My thanks go to the modders whose objects, sounds and scripts I was allowed to use. A list of credits is located in the modDesc.xml in the 'contributors' section.
- added 100% Maize Plus, Forage und Horse Extension support (only PC/MAC)
- increased heighType limit to 127 (only PC/MAC
- raised capacity of cow husbandry to 200 cows
- fixed clip distance of hot air balloons
- snow traffic signs are hidden without seasons
- reduced volume of ship engine and horn
- added possibility to plant trees
- added field grass as chicken food
- fixed snow mission (Seasons)
- fixed lighting in the machinery hall
- all buildings at the farms are now placeable
- new farmhose replaces the one from Giants (placed at the correct position in a new savegame only)
- moved small containers at the train silos
- removed collision from the contact wires at the railway line
- removed collision of some telephone poles (for the helper)
- added trigger markers to the liquid storage
- adapted location names of tranport missions
- fixed trigger of manure and liquid manure dealer in Ravensberg
- added support for productions of VSR Modding Sur (only on consoles and with new savegame)
- removed collision of silo unloading pipe at the buying stations
- fixed wrong position of the workshop triggers
- transport cost of chicken lowered
- bgp now accepts straw, sugarbeets and potatos
- changed driving direction of the train (in connection with signalling installation)
- fixed wood sell trigger in Isinghagen
- added missing water reflections of some objects
- some minor changes on the terrain (only with new savegame)
- fixed LOD-error of the autumn deco foliage in combination with seasons
- collision problem of the mission pallets fixed
- adapted tension belt mesh of the mission pallets
- removed barriers in the woods
- added capacity coniguration for Holmer T4-40 and Ropa Tiger 6
- bunker silo fixed (only with new savegame)
- changed train configuration (before the update, empty the train waggons)
- reduced slot count on consoles
- fixed vissible snow roofs in Isinghagen
- decoration vehicles at the vehicle dealer can now be bought and sold (for consoles to reduce slots)
- BPG is placeable and can now be bought and sold (for consoles to reduce slots)
- both railway cranes can now be bought and sold (for consoles to reduce slots)
- removed some misplaced crops (only with new savegame)
- fixed floating and incorrectly placed objects
- corrected incorrectly placed or faulty town and traffic signs
- fixed dealer name of Railway Silo West
- recreated collision mesh of map boundary
- snow mask "patched" (e.g. at the hall of the BGA)
- removed asphalted road at the farm in Langenheide
- added dealer at the supermarket in Ravensberg (only with new savegame)
- sugarmill now also buys crop
- herbicide and fertilizer barrels exchanged at Grain Dealer Osninghausen
- fixed wrong name of cow feed trigger at LGH Langenheide
- removed hidden trees at the southern farm and the meadow beneath the castle

1 Downloads in
4 years ago

B.O.B. Flyover - Ravensberg - Farming Simulator 19 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMQd2y4CZjg
You don't read much, do you ?
Latest Let's Play with the NEW version of this awesome map is in the video tab! Thanks for a fun-filled map!
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