Hey, I did the Steyr S-Matic from Steyr Modding and made a few improvements.
- Left door and rear window are now controllable via MouseControl
- Sound update
- Exhaust smoke somewhat blackened
- Adjusted seating position
- Rolling off reduces more engine brake
- First and foremost, he got an Origianl crispy Steyr sound that's really fun.
- Then he got wider tires from me than he had before.
- The engine is configurable between 6175,6175 Profi Plus over 6195 up to 6230 6195Profi plus is rausgeflogn for it.
- Man can also grow the standard Stoll to the Hauer front loader console.
- The collision would be adapted to fit the front loader Easy.
- He has also got the new Combine Hoses from me so that the hose is connected to the driller via the tractor with the seed hopper.
- He got a new specular from me .... looks nicer.
- The driving behavior has been adjusted.
He gives me a lot of fun driving I hope you too.
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
Also ich muss ehrlich sagen.Einen "Origianl-knusprigen Steyr-Sound" findet man auf youtube wenn man ein gibt steyr sound 6230 oder case puma. Ich habe mich so gefreut wo ich den mod hier gesehen habe. Weil ich auch selber den steyr in echt fah. Dann mach ich den sound auf 100 mach ihn an. Und dann ??!?!? john deere sound ????? ehlich jetzt ? schade... Schade wirklich sehr schade... no hate oder so aber trotzdem
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