Stock Wired Fence Kit v1.0.0.0


Within this new Fence Kit, is hopefully enough pieces to give your working project the look you require, there are 8 variations of curves (which are only really good for flat terrain), there is also 5 variations of single wood posts, with the addition for choice on all for the barbed wires, there is also a couple of prefabricated fences and a corner, and also some separated fence wires for the use of up and down hill, and also decoration if needed. Please look at the kit first before placing, also duplicate the piece you require before moving, this means you will have 1 complete piece at all time, also when placing 1 post, make sure to duplicate before deleting the other options first, this will stop a fence looking the same all the way through, Anyways enjoy and have fun.



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Commented on 2019-01-11 22:34:33

do a placeable barbwire one that users can place out them self

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

This is a prefab kit, not an in-game placeable. Please fix the title please.

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