This is the version 3 of TCBO Mining Project.

Because the map recive many ideas from my map (MCE) I decide change the name. The name  results the union of TCBO map with my ideas on the MCE.

The reason I´m working on this map its because I like the landscape of this map but unfortunately, the programming its very poor and have many errors. When I talk with the authors they said don´t have time to fix the errors, and they weren't going to work anymore on the map. So I decide fix and add more stuff to make a better map as the map deserve.

I leave here my thanks to authors (Baguette and OviixC) of the map for let me work on this map and publish .

I´m working on job start from others, so its difficult discover how some things is on the map, and I added many other things. So probably you find some issues. What i ask is if you find any issue please report to me for the next version came better.

I also want to thank all my Patreons for the help they give on last week report to me issues. They are important for the map came to this stage you have access.

For the last, but very important I leave thanks to FS Miner for some new ideas and help me test and find problems.   

Changelog v0.3: - Fixed the selling point harbour - Fixed the selling points (Terre) for Dirt and Tailings - Fixed the translation on global company for iron processor - Fixed trigger on marblepallets - Fixed beacon on concrete processor - Clean files and folders - Fixed some issues on dediserver log - Fixed the main issue. Now the log is clean. - Increase the capacity on Iron processor for each material. - Aligh the heaps with the conveyors on ironprocessor. - Increase the capacity on stoneprocessor. - Fixed the strange things apears on coal and lithiumore heaps. - Lights on the interior of the workshop in complex mine only turn on when the night comes. - Added some light poles. - Fixed the Steel selling point. - Added new secondary road - Added two selling points on the top of the building for use with bigger cranes. - Fixed the position some displays on the factorys

NOTE: If you don´t like this type map don´t download, don´t play. Avoid unnecessary comments. We like this type of map, and if the game allow this type of modding, lets us play as we want. Thats the beauty of Farming Simulator. Play as we want.

Very important: you can´t continue old saves. You need start a new save game or the changes not take effect.  You must delete all old versions of the map from your mod folder.


Giants Software
Baguette, OviixC (TCM), Nonnus (me), FS Miner
All modders do placeables I use (the credits is on the original files inside the map)
Global Company authors


Commented on 2021-04-02 16:04:55

Very important: you can´t continue old saves. You need start a new save game or the changes not take effect. You must delete all old versions of the map from your mod folder.

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Commented on 2021-04-02 19:59:23

The Game/Engine also has much potential to be a Building Simulator or something like that
Looks great! Ty

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Reply comment on 2021-04-02 20:00:48

Meant to say Construction instead of Building.. ;P

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Commented on 2021-04-03 09:50:06

Putting the sale point on top of the building was a great idea. I like this map, thanks for sharing. I just hope I'm not to busy to run my farm in the meantime. :)

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Commented on 2021-04-03 17:53:06

It would be so much smarter to make it possible to continue with the old backups because starting all over again each time becomes painful.

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Reply comment on 2021-04-03 22:23:02

The problem is when you make the first save, the game save some entrys and when that entrys are change on map files the new save dont assume the changes. But if you are smarter is easy to fix that problem. You only need create a new save and then copy the entrys and the specific files for your correct game. Do you think i´m glad for everytime i´m release a new version say "start a new game"? I now how fix and continue old saves but needed hard skills. Your comment its a prove the gamers dont know how the game works, the more can edit the save.

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Commented on 2021-04-04 00:24:46

Been playing the map for a couple hrs and came to a startling conclusion.... Every BIG crane in FS19 malfunction, errors and just junk. Add that big crane you have to the map would be spectacular. I know it will be lost to public domain but the gratitude will surprise you, even if it is a little quirky.

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Commented on 2021-04-04 00:38:59

What do you do with the dirt?? I haven't located a drop point for it.

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Reply comment on 2021-04-04 14:15:06

you can sell or use for produce iron and gold.

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Commented on 2021-04-04 08:06:58

ne fonctionne pas comme la version precedente DOMMAGE

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Reply comment on 2021-04-04 14:18:45

Do you think its not working? Only in this site the map have 1600 downloads and you say dont work. 1600 gamers can´t play a map and only you write!

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Commented on 2021-04-04 16:58:31

This is a excellent map, but I cant unload the stone powder from the silo witch is causing the stone crusher from working as the silo is full. Have tried several trucks and trailers. Where is the tip point for the tailings down in the pit to make stone?
Thanks keep up the good work.

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Reply comment on 2021-04-04 19:18:06

The trigger is not the center of the silo. Put the trailer more to the right.

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Commented on 2021-04-04 23:24:55

Bonjour, je vois que vos réponses sont un peu agressive, mais je crois savoir pourquoi, comme un autre commentaire français nous utilisons google translate qui il ne semble est un peu direct, dans les 2 commentaires français il n y a aucune agressivité seulement des remarques. en tout cas merci de répondre au commentaire très peu de personne le font. bonne continuation

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Reply comment on 2021-04-05 11:11:05

Yes, can seem a little aggressive. Because the translations not always correct, but the true is on this specific subject you took, the problem is how the game saves and nothing to do about it. like I say, i´m not glad for do this in this way but i can´t do in other way.

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Reply comment on 2021-04-05 16:13:40

Thank you for your answer, personally I will stay on version 2, thank you for your work, the map is really great

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Reply comment on 2021-04-05 18:56:46

Go to my discord channel and i explain how you can continue a old save.

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Commented on 2021-04-05 21:52:11

The old farm on map had to be scratched out using the hide mod. None of it functioned and the entry way was to narrow for equipment. I kept the original design layout, using all Brazilian buildings, a silo, hedges, and a main gate. Project waterway for the ferry is on hold until I see what you come up with first.

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Commented on 2021-04-07 02:28:41

where do i find tar so i can make blacktop?

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Reply comment on 2021-04-07 10:49:38

you need produce tar with crudeoil on refinery. Go to FS Miner youtube channel and see the video explain that.

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Commented on 2021-04-08 10:35:55

Sehr schöne map macht sie Spielen was mir fehlt sind Elemente zum schallen von Wänden damit man die in den Baugruben auch Häuser bauen kann

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Commented on 2021-04-10 09:54:05

hi i was wondering how to get board pallets

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Reply comment on 2021-04-11 12:51:48

You need put a sawmill placeable with boardpallets production

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Commented on 2021-04-11 17:07:00

why can't I put down the marble pallets

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Commented on 2021-04-12 01:55:55

Love the map, Wish the mineral piles were marked as well as the various plants, I cannot findthe plant to make lime, I have the limestone

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Reply comment on 2021-04-26 19:49:30

On v0.4 all digging areas as marked with a board, The plants its very simple open the Global Company menu,

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Commented on 2021-04-20 22:53:03

what global company do we need because i do not know which one

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Reply comment on 2021-04-26 19:51:54

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Commented on 2021-04-22 00:44:53

Cannot unload tires to make rubber, have tried different trailers to no avail is this a glitch or do I need a certain trailer?

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Reply comment on 2021-04-26 19:54:38

You need open the door. Go to the display and press the mouse button and the door opens.

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Commented on 2021-04-28 08:10:26

Hello, amazing map! I am though having a problem with the rock stone. I maxed out production and moved the rock stone powder to the plant. The counter never reset for the rock stone p plant to continue. Is there a way to fix this? Side note I did remove all tailings too

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Commented on 2021-05-02 02:06:55

How do i install it?

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Commented on 2021-06-17 23:29:07

tried downloading and deleting and redownloading but cant get it to pop up on the game anywhere what am i doing wrong???

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Commented on 2022-06-25 00:01:02

You dont even answer all the question...were do you dump tailings in pit to make rocks tcbo map

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Commented on 2022-06-25 00:02:14

Still no answer were is tip point for tailings in pit tcbo mining map

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