The Wild v.004


Sorry guys,

Fixed the distant hills that turned out white, thanks for letting me know guys.. also moved the old combine which was a bit in the way when you try and attach spawned implements...

Welcome to The Wild,

On this map your skills to survive will be challenged as there is only the bear necessaties and you start with only one piece of ground in Farm Manager, you also have to start from scratch no vehicles, just the clothes on your body and a few bucks in the bank..

You will need to plough your own fields, build everything you need and rough it untill you can build a home, water and land is what you have and with great skill and determination you could tame The Wild, or will it tame you... I guess time will tell..

The map is seasons ready and has multifruit, so farm like crazy and beware of the Grizzleys :)

This is my latest map, hope you enjoy...

Please register at my website for updates and future releases and all my maps available under downloads.

Farmer B0B


Thanks to Giants for the game and also Yazu for a blank map.. :)


Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

FARMERB0B is the Cousin of STEVIE next Update maybe Tomorrow

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

LOL Good one!!

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

B.O.B. Lookaround - The Wild - Farming Simulator 19 -

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

just needs MUD!!!!

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