Triomatic T30 feed kitchen with storage bunkers for automatic feeding system and Triomatic HP 2 300 feeding robot on the monorail.
In addition, a large cowshed where the feed kitchen and feeding robot can be grown. Attitude about feeding time and adjustment
the mixing ratio. This unit is suitable for feeding with MaizePlusForage!
Technical specifications:
Triomatic T30 feed kitchen / Triomatic HP 2 300 feeding robot
Cost: 85.000 €
Capacity: 50000 L.
Maintenance costs: 100 € / day
Dimensions: ca15m x 15m
Raw materials required: Maizesilage / Grasssilage / Wcs (fermented), Hay / Clover Hay / Alfalfa Hay, Cloversilage / Alfalfasilage
Product: mixed ration
Large cowshed
Cost: 200,000 €
Capacity: 2000 animals
Maintenance costs: 80 € / day
Dimensions: ca. 125m x 105m
Information: Mod only playable in combination with GlobalCompany and MaizePlusForage!
Required Mods:
- GlobalCompany (By: LS-Modcompany / kevink98, aPuehri, Eribus)
- MaizePlus (By: The-Alien-Paul and Modelleicher)
- MaizePlus Forage Extension (By: The-Alien-Paul and Modelleicher)
- 1 Downloads in
4 years ago
Is this an official LS-Modcompany version, or a fixed version?
when installed tells me i need global company version . which isnt available. can only get ????????????????????????????
Pour moi il n'y a que la version 1.7 je ne croit pas que celle que tu demande est sortie,du moins je croit.....Moi j'ai eu le probleme qu'il n'apparaissait pas dans la liste,car je n'avait pas vue qu'il y avait une mise a jour FS19 / voila peut etre que s'est ton probleme.
For me there is only version 1.7 I do not believe that the one you are asking for is out, at least I believe ..... I had the problem that it did not appear in the list, because I had not seen that there was
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