Union Europeenne v1.0.0.1


Bonjour a tous voici le Drapeau Union Européenne,et pour finir je souhaite a tous et a toutes BONNE ANNEE  et BONNE SANTE.
Hello everyone here is the European Union Flag, and finally I wish you all a Happy New Year and good health.
Hallo, hier ist die Flagge der Europäischen Union, und ich wünsche Ihnen allen ein frohes neues Jahr und Gesundheit.
Olá a todos aqui é a bandeira da União Europeia e, finalmente, desejo a todos um Feliz Ano Novo e boa saúde.
Всем привет, вот флаг Европейского Союза, и, наконец, я желаю всем вам счастливого Нового года и крепкого здоровья.
Witam wszystkich tutaj jest flaga Unii Europejskiej, a na koniec życzę wszystkim szczęśliwego Nowego Roku i dobrego zdrowia.
Ciao a tutti, ecco la bandiera dell'Unione europea, e infine auguro a tutti un felice anno nuovo e buona salute.
Hola a todos, aquí está la bandera de la Unión Europea, y finalmente les deseo a todos un feliz año y buena salud.


BOB51160 / MAX51160

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Commented on 2019-01-03 13:03:34

I'm missing some languages in the description, one of which is Dutch.

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Commented on 2019-01-03 13:33:00

Desolat für diese Vergesslichkeit.

Desolaat voor deze vergeetachtigheid.

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Commented on 2019-01-03 13:43:29

that flag wants burning lol :)

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Commented on 2019-01-03 18:42:51

Too many stars!

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Commented on 2019-01-03 21:20:30

FOR BREXIT........But there are 28 member states of the European Union. ... It is in this sense that the definition of the flag according to the European Union goes: "the flag is represented by a circle of 12 gold stars on a blue background the stars symbolize the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony between the peoples of Europe ".

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Commented on 2019-01-04 15:20:53

Well there is very little unity or harmony. That leaves solidarity - but with whom? Not the EU citizens - mostly sub-saharan africans it seems.

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