Us Big Shed 19 Edit by Lana Version 3.2 (Fixed)
3.2 Fix: Fixed the Animations for the Swing and Garage Doors and physics errors
Wash bay has been completely removed
Interior walls rebuilt to extend to where the wash bay was
Framework redone and extended throughout the interior
Hydraulic Door added
Double Side garage converted to one large single garage
Rafters were extended to where the wash bay was
Seasons mask added
fixed invisible collisions from orginal
day/night cyle for lights
Follow me on Facebook to access my mods and see more to come!
Thank you! Keep up the good work and take care :}
can you build a shed that can handle combine with 45 ft header on it and park it all inside ?
Thanks for the update !
When are you going to fix the big overhead door so it will open ??????????????????????????? I have NO trouble with any other shed doors
You open the swing door with a button on the inside Its on the right side wall next to the side door
The button for the big door is inside on the one of the posts next to the side door. Look for the 3 buttons!!!
is not work..
What is not working
@lanalove you may need a crayon drawing for the 2 kids that are having trouble opening the door.
Beauty ! Love it.
Nice job you did good work. Anyone that says it doesn't work is a liar trying to troll you.
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