West End 64x by Levis FS19 v1.0.0.0


Welcome to West End! ( READ BEFORE DOWNLOAD!)

This is an extremly large 64x map. The size is 16km x 16km.

Long roads, large and extra large fields, 2 huge forests, more than 50 productions, farms, rail networks and everything what you need. This map realy keeps you busy.

The map compatible with Seasons, Straw Harvest, StrawMe, MaizePlus, MaizePlus CCM and Sugar Beet Harvest. You can use all of these mods together.

Not compatible with Courseplay because of the field sizes. Only can make courses on the smaller and middle size fields, on the large and extra large fields it doesn't work. Must to turn off CP field scan, if you leave it on the game freezes for 15-30 minutes when you buy field 7 (which is 15km long) and at every game start.

The helpers are working perfect on the map, I can suggest Admin Helper mod, can hire up to 20 helpers.

After download need to unzip the file and copy all the 6 files into your mods folder. This map is huge, you need a decent pc and gpu to enjoy. I suggest to empty your mods folder for the first time and add only later the error free mods. The map is 100% error free, has been tested 6 months long. There are some mods don't work and make errors (ie: Ai vehicle extension). I don't give support for any mod make errors, you need to find it and delete it. We tried to correct every errors and flying objects, if you still find something wrong, please let me know in my facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/737608726977949/



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Commented on 2021-04-25 01:05:58

I'm having issues selling the animal placeables. I get callstack errors and can't sell them, even with just the mods from the zip in my mod folder. Anyone else having this same issue?

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Commented on 2021-04-25 10:16:04

I couldn’t get any of the grain silos to accept anything. Was forced to delete it. I like big maps but this needs more refinement.

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Commented on 2021-04-25 15:30:52

Yes, I also have a problem with the silo, I think I still have to work on this map, but I like it anyway. I look forward to continuing.

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Commented on 2021-04-25 16:25:35

would be a pretty good map but i cant get it to load

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Commented on 2021-04-25 17:34:52

I'm having issues with the silo to, alot of errors i would like to play it when its ok

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Commented on 2021-04-26 00:16:59

Returning to map lost content of silos . Lost sell points.

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Commented on 2021-04-26 02:40:47

Having problems with silos also, added my own silo and it doesnt work. Also sell points are missing on pda

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Commented on 2021-04-26 15:00:45

Hallo vor ab das ist eine echt klasse Map vielen Dank dafür/ Probleme mit den Silos hab ich so nicht auch mit Courseplay habe ich keine Probleme Map Startet Super Schnell bei mir werden die Tiere nicht angezeigt nicht einmal die Standard Tiere

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Commented on 2021-04-27 09:12:07

@Tim man kann diese map nur Errorfrei spielen mit dem beigefügten Seasons Ohne das gibts viele Error in der Log. Auch mit Fahrzeugmods kann es dann zusätzlich noch Errors geben. Ich habe auch die Villa die als Farmhaus verbaut ist entfernt, weil es die schon als mod gab und dieser mod auf allen maps die ich nutzte Errors machte. Nun kann ich Meine sämtlichen mod auch benutzen! Die map ohne Season spielen würde ich gerne aber ich weis nicht was man tun muss damit das Errorfrei functioniert

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Reply comment on 2021-04-27 15:02:33

Hallo Karl57 bei vielen Maps ist das so dass die dazu gehörigen Mods mit rein müssen aber das es einen Seasons zwang gibt ist mir neu zumindest müssen ja die Standard Tiere angezeigt werden es heißt in der Beschreibung auch das CP nicht geht da die Felder zu groß sind mit einen Trick geht es aber bestens wie ich schon Sagte Läuft die Map soweit super kein Absturz nichts nur keine Tiere noch ist die Map bewusst in meinen Test Ordner der über 800 Mods hat und nichts gravierendes nur das mit den Tieren ohne Seasons LG Tim

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Commented on 2021-04-27 12:11:48

I couldn't get myself to download the map after looking at reviews. Too much empty spaces. Bad silo's. Fields so large that they are not worth doing. Needs a lot more work on putting in some details. 1hr to download map. I'll Pass!

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Commented on 2021-04-27 23:26:02

would love to play this map .i love large maps. but for the love of god i wish you map makers would stop implementing production mods into your maps. add the necessities ( multifruits , sale points ,seasons, maize plus, straw harvest , etc). let people download and install the productions they want to use from mod sites . would be alot easier for you to create your maps and not have to deal with so many problems and errors you have to solve and fix because of so much stuff you implement into the map.

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Commented on 2021-04-28 11:39:33

@Tim schon mal in deine log geschaut? Ich schaue da immer nach bei den maps die ich spiele. Auch wennbei Dir die map ohne season läuft, kann das mit den vielen Error und callstacks etc. zum absturz führen. Mit season drin gibt es eben diese Error und Callstacks nicht. Da muss doch irgendwo was eingetragen sein in irgend einem Script dass dann Error macht wenn das season nicht activ ist! Es haben ja einige mapper mitgewirkt! Ich hab FB Kontact zu jemand der mit meiner umgebauten map nun alle FED Mods platzieren kann.

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Commented on 2021-04-29 02:54:55

People, you have to use seasons with this map or it will not work right. after i added seasons it worked correctly, then find a basic geo that wont have snow or anything.

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Commented on 2021-04-29 09:45:46

Not all People woul´d play with season. Some people are happy the first official 64x map and only can play with seasons! Thats bullshit map!

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Commented on 2021-05-01 20:09:31

ich wüsste gern warum man die Map Seasons abhängig gemacht hat ohne Seasons hat man nicht ein Mal die Standard Tiere kein Abladen in den Silos kein Platzieren möglich das ist nicht im Sinne des LS eine Map muss auch ohne den Seasons laufen

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Commented on 2021-05-07 11:55:56

I like the map very much and enjoy playing large maps, and have the following questions:
How do i get rocks out of the mine?
Where does the limestone come from to make lime?

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Commented on 2021-05-12 16:48:46

I can only place 1 store item on this map and when you go to try placing another it goes right to the first spot and wont move and I don't use seasons please fix I think it's going to be a fun map when all bugs are fixed. and add Black Beans please.

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Commented on 2021-05-13 19:23:54

after placeing things down you cannot sell them and after placeing it if you try to put somthin eles down in wont let you to bad seem like it would have been a good map guess i remove it from mods folder

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Commented on 2021-08-28 02:07:39


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Commented on 2023-08-24 04:09:42

non funziona merdosi ho fatto tutti i passaggi che avete detto ma non esce in game

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Commented on 2023-08-24 04:10:43

ma farla voi direttamente in file zip era troppo complicato porca merda

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