1. Unpack grass textures, and chose with or without flowers.
2. Open your FS folder e.g. E: \ Farming Simulator 2019 \ data \ foliage or C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Farming Simulator 2019 \ data \ foliage or ... steam ??? \ Farming Simulator 2019 \ data \ foliage etc ...
3.***Make sure to back up the original files to be exchanged / replaced.
4. Copy the textures in your FS folder.
Any chance you could pull the trees from that map as well
How can i add it?
1. Unpack grass textures, and chose with or without flowers.
2. Open your FS folder e.g. E: \ Farming Simulator 2019 \ data \ foliage or C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Farming Simulator 2019 \ data \ foliage or ... steam ??? \ Farming Simulator 2019 \ data \ foliage etc ...
3.***Make sure to back up the original files to be exchanged / replaced.
4. Copy the textures in your FS folder.
Ca marche pas gros FDP.
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