<p>@THE TRUTH IS.. (GUEST)<br><br>Maybe its because you have a fucking potato or a PC?<br>I run a continuous 60 fps with multiples of these 2 mods loaded ingame and Zero lag. <br><br>Maybe it's tim...
<p>LOL. Not a "Hater". Just tired of Complete TRASH mods filling up this website. You could easily make that map with the in-game editor and placeable mods. No need for that garbage on here. You gu...
Christopher Gibson
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Comments by AKTheSavag
4 years ago
<p>@THE TRUTH IS.. (GUEST)<br><br>Maybe its because you have a fucking potato or a PC?<br>I run a continuous 60 fps with multiples of these 2 mods loaded ingame and Zero lag. <br><br>Maybe it's tim...
4 years ago
<p>@DIESELBUTT<br><br>You must own a Prius. <br><br><br>I'm sorry for your loss........<br></p>
4 years ago
<p>I'm Still Blocked from their Group.... ;)</p>
4 years ago
<p>LOL. Not a "Hater". Just tired of Complete TRASH mods filling up this website. You could easily make that map with the in-game editor and placeable mods. No need for that garbage on here. You gu...