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Ya'll can't read apparently, it's says right on their website and their Facebook page that it's in Beta testing that's why you have to "pay" for it. You don't have to though because right after the...

Use this instead: It's the original makers page.

2 years ago

"No shit captain obvious." is sarcasm? What kinda chromosome deficient person are you? Also, "sarcasm" does not work over text, obviously.

2 years ago

Looks like someone said "wHerE dO I dOwnLoAd it" and "iS it CoMinG tO coNsoLe?" one too many times because by judging your response to an informative comment it seems you've not developed fully in ...

2 years ago

This was posted most likely by the Website's bots, hence why "Guest" was the one who uploaded it on here. So no, this map is not downloadable yet. So all of you going "iTs noT dOwnloDAblE" it takes...

3 years ago