Comments by Pippin

4 years ago

<p>won't load with seasons, straw add-on and GlobalCompanyPlaceable_Mill installed together, get a warning about too many fruits on the ground,<br> I also have the MaizePlus_forageExtension but thi...

4 years ago

<p>error: Can't load resource 'C/users blah blah blah Desktop/models/GrainElevator/'</p>

4 years ago

<p>there is a small micro stutter with this map when working or hiring workers, this happens on maps bigger than 8x and always has done with every version of FS. or FS15 at least and on my pc, whic...

4 years ago

<p>@Name, well you obviously know what a set of dicks look like so go suck some. no one cares</p>

<p>This is Hilarious, to all the people moaning about update after update and needing to restart. WHY DID YOU DOWNLOAD THE FIRST MAP ANY WAY. if you know this happens with Stevie's maps why don't y...

<p>I meant to say GET A LIFE YOU MORONS.........<br></p>