This is a 64x map. it has 3 sell points.There is plenty of room to make your farm.
- 1 Downloads in
4 years ago
This is a 64x map. it has 3 sell points.There is plenty of room to make your farm.
64X map. Seriously WTF lol
hell yeah good map tho
IM sure jesse lance pippin is gonan try to tgake htis on and claim hes a modder or better yet that rory fuck
Its pretty much unplayable. Once you start harvesting it has a constant lag spike. Fix it and it would be a hell of a map to play on
took 20 mins to drive from 1 end to the other in the pickup its fuckin big no l;ag spikes from harvest either
it really is a 64x map; but its also garbage, can't buy individual fields and field info just cycles through all the fields regardless of actually being on the field. No wonder you won't post the PDA
Would be a great RP multiplayer map but you'd need a seriously high end dedi server; game saves takes a few seconds and isn't super slow just not instantaneous even though I'm running an i7 9x series processor with 32GB RAM win10 (its still quick but its noticeably longer, and will get l
I think they all use the same multi terrain angle package. Its shit. Only a few maps actually have it done right. This one doesn't. Its shit and runs like shit.
do this in mutli fruit
@LOL, the hell is your problem with JLP and Rory?
Above 16x the camera inside the GE no longer renders. It's fake.
@LOL I don't like my name being associated with something I have not done. I have never uploaded any mod here, or anywhere. I don't even make them, I would not know where to start, I only comment on maps to help the modder with errors so you are wrong. have a look at my profile, do you see uploads NO be sure you are right before spouting names out your hat
I apologise for the above comment, after a quick search there is actually a jesse lance pippin so I can only assume that comment was not for me so Carry on bitching about a mod which is free to everyone once it is made and edited I see no copyright on any of it . so it belongs to no-one except that which is used by Giants
all you little shrimp dicks in here bashing....UPGRADE FROM THE POTATO YOU CLAIM IS A COMPUTER.....runs perfectly fine for me, if you are having massive lag spikes, it is 1 of 2 things, either mod conflict, or your computer is a piece of shit...given some of the comments in here, I'd guess there is a third option, both!
won't load with seasons, straw add-on and GlobalCompanyPlaceable_Mill installed together, get a warning about too many fruits on the ground,
I also have the MaizePlus_forageExtension but this does not add fruits to the ground
I know there is a limit number on tip on ground items but it must be able to be changed, it works on other maps
error: Can't load resource 'C/users blah blah blah Desktop/models/GrainElevator/'
there is a small micro stutter with this map when working or hiring workers, this happens on maps bigger than 8x and always has done with every version of FS. or FS15 at least and on my pc, which is not too shabby but not epic, thought I read somewhere that it was something to do with the limit of the game engine and that you have to write a script in GE before it will work without the stutter but I may be wrong I am no expert
Hahahaha what a set of dicks.
Danke für die vergrößerten .gdmdie ich auf meiner saxonia 64x gebrauchen könnte. Das flackern des Himmels kann ma abstellen unter persp / Camera NearClip von 0.1 auf 0.6 Hier mein Baurojekt noch nicht zum spielen geeignet
Thanks for the enlarged .gdm that I could use on my saxonia 64x. The flickering of the sky can be turned off under persp / Camera NearClip from 0.1 to 0.6 Here my construction project is not yet suitable for playing
@Name, well you obviously know what a set of dicks look like so go suck some. no one cares
thanks man,great job ,youre a fucking legend,no matter what anybodys says youre 1 of the few people who can actually create a 64x, make 256x your new project whn your done with this 1,goodjob keep strong
Go eat shit you mother fucker
Yeah, YOUR MOTHER fucker, look you obviously didn't get enough Colostrum as a baby. go back to your mother's breasts and have a go, you might find you learn something.......
I only wanted to put some info up here for the map modder, to help it get better, but when your surrounded by one sentence children that go hide behind their fake accounts or guest account whatever, what's the point, i was always told if your not part of the solution you are part of the problem
You really are a 100% arsehole you fucking horrible bastard and all because your mother blows goats and your father shags sheep for a living, crawl back under your stone you piece of feral shit. I was always told there is no problem if you know what the problem is and your no problem just another modhub us dick that's a know it all but knows jack shit so to sum it up fuck you arsehole.
wow. I'm an arsehole, 24 comments here only 10 of them are about the map. most of them mine, then someone calls me and others a set of dicks, yeah sure, like you would let that slide it it were you, Whatever, you obviously have nothing to contribute to making this map better either so why are you even commenting.
get of facebook and learn something about modding. MTA doesn't work past 4x. Anything over 16x will no have proper weight file. You guys thinking these maps above 16x are something real. Most of you think you are modders. But have no clue. I think 99% of you on here or facebook just sit in a circle with your mouths attached to the next guys asshole. Get a fucking clue you stupid fuckers.
He knows everything he is Jesus He grows grass out of his pocket. There is no point in arguing with idiots. I know where it comes from North Dakota modding only who should and can build 64x map. The North Dakota modding just wants to make money and people are kidding with the map it never publishes.
@YOU WISH YOU COULD MODDER, Go sheep herding at North Dacota modding Jesus because Jesus was there to herd sheep
@ you wish you could modder, well you obviously did not read all the comments I have already said that I am no expert plus I already said maps don't work at 8x because of the game engine is at it's limit LOL. yet another person spouting his mouth before reading everything....and as for fakebook I left that 6 years ago but I guess your still there because it is the only place that would accept you for who you are
PIPPIN Have you come on here to get peoples backs up or are you always obnoxious?
GOATSFARM I hope you know the jesus story is nothing more than a myth.
Yes, I know, but I also know that the 64x map of North Dacota modding remains just as a myth as the story of Jesus. At least like PAULDR, I put a 64x here to download, instead of just defogging others.
I was only commenting on the map until some one called me a dick, but alas I suppose I am wrong for reciprocating like I did but no on likes being called names for no reason.....what ever i'm over it but I guess others will have their opinion until they get the last say
Yes, I know, but I also know that the 64x map of North Dacota modding remains just as a myth as the story of Jesus. At least like PAULDR, I put a 64x here to download, instead of just defogging others.
You know how the saying goes, if the cap fits wear it, well that should answer your question as to why you were called a dick and yes sorry but i too find you very obnoxious.
Am I the only one that actually likes this map. I really do. It is big, but that is what they make mods for so you can build what you want. I do have a question though, what about the pink flowers. Can they be cut?. Don't pay any attentions to the bitchers they are juvinile kids.
You re one stupid sonofabitch 64x maps arent fake if you had a fucking brain in that pile of shit on your shoulders you call a head . youd have enough smarts to search x64 maps on you tube and find out JUST HOW GODDAMNED STUPID YOU REALLY ARE FUCKFACE
Maybe if these spoiled ass kids that are commenting all the negative shit had a damned brain and knew how to build up a farm and get rid of their 1980 Tandy computers ... Im not having any trouble with this map what so ever Thank you to the modder that took the time to make a 64x Map
64x maps do exist our group has 3 of them, as far as camera not working in GE you need a script for it to work, biggest issue is textures.
16x map width="16384" height="16384"
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