<p>Oui, vous savez faire autre chose ! Mais ça reste de la merde :)</p>
<p>@why? : Because it was leaked on another FB page. It was not planned to be released yet.</p>
<p>@Name : Peux tu me dire ce qui ne fonctionne pas sur le Trisix et après...on pourra parler.</p>
<p>This is not a forum to create some threads about issues on mods.<br>Send a message to snake with the problems you highlighted.<br>What you are doing is a waste of time.</p>
<p>Hey ! Thanks for the mod !<br>You should replace canola by oil :) There is already a oil factory available (oild made with canola or sunflower)</p>
<p>5h or 2mn to dowload, the result is the same : the map is not working ^^'<br></p>
Christopher Gibson
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Comments by Ricobab
3 years ago
<p>Oui, vous savez faire autre chose ! Mais ça reste de la merde :)</p>
3 years ago
<p>@why? : Because it was leaked on another FB page. It was not planned to be released yet.</p>
3 years ago
<p>@Name : Peux tu me dire ce qui ne fonctionne pas sur le Trisix et après...on pourra parler.</p>
3 years ago
<p>This is not a forum to create some threads about issues on mods.<br>Send a message to snake with the problems you highlighted.<br>What you are doing is a waste of time.</p>
3 years ago
<p>Hey ! Thanks for the mod !<br>You should replace canola by oil :) There is already a oil factory available (oild made with canola or sunflower)</p>
3 years ago
<p>5h or 2mn to dowload, the result is the same : the map is not working ^^'<br></p>