Comments by jwdiesel

4 years ago

<p>@name you fucking retard that isn't the same truck that's a Kenworth w900 this is a t800</p>

<p>if you were to do a john deere again I think originally the 332 should've been a 430 which is the diesel of the 80s the bigger 332 basically because those are a bigger and a lot better machine I...

<p>nice truck like it love these year fords</p>

4 years ago

<p>dude tfsg or what ever the fuck it is is the black guys of the community theyre always stealing mods but are shitty</p>

<p>@@jim expendables modding makes the best mods for fs19 avalible your just jealous because you know you 3 year old self could never make a mod as good as them</p>