Comments by parzival

<p>Was wondering, if the map maker makes sure to only use sell point triggers with a bale triggers , the triggers from the map sell points will always allow what is created from the factory by pall...

<p>an auto car wash for 20 bucks that can activate from inside the cab would be awesome, wide enough for the biggest headers ...</p>

<p>The video posted is no longer this map, please stop posting it to get more hits, make new vids for each , and show the changes, </p>

3 years ago

<p>Please join the forum on for support, anytime you chaneg anything,,,,,,,,,,,,,create ground collision map. TERRAINNAME.i3d.plcMap.grle will not be updated when you create ground...

<p>now I need to be a video producer, what about the pictures , it is basically opensource giver, plus did the other videos show the changes or the original map that was broken?</p>

3 years ago

<p>IMO, wood chips logs and water, carton and paper for output choices, <br><br>awesome as always snake thanks </p>