Comments by parzival

<p>ISNURD, was the autoload giving you troubles as well? by selling all the equipment etc you will not use will increase FPS drastically, plus give you enough cash to fully lime your fields, since ...

<p>please check your log before you post what you may believe is an issue, majority of the mods for FS19 are crap, most cause extreme errors, and if you combine those crap mods and courseplay well...

<p>if anyone makes the big giants building with usable doors and an inside. it would make a great last storage building, feel free to use one of these factories, I made it so it is easy for anyone...

4 years ago

<p>If you like the map as it was minus the Biogas silo here is the fix for that<br>unzip the map, open defaultitems.xml, find the line that matches the following<br>mapBoundId="bunkerSilo" classNam...

<p>if you read the original post, you can find the final version on, <br>the update for grass will be added this week.<br>not till the final is completely finished testing will it...

<p>it is a rendering spike, currently there is no correction, plus the editor can not see the edges of the map, and why it is being released more as an empty map to build on, either in editor or in...