<p>@Me Awesome! I'll try to remember to remove all the logging from debugging or just set parameters in a future release to toggle what gets logged. Glad you're enjoying it.</p>
<p>Version 2.2 is almost ready, just debugging and testing everything.</p><br />
<br />
<p>Thank you for your patience as this takes a lot of work, especially debugging minor stuff and optimizing t...
Comments by tunnelrat
3 years ago
<p>@Wrangler 5% of total price (base cost * number of animals).</p><br /> <br /> <p>The logic:<br /> price = (base cost * number of animals)<br /> fee = (price * 0.05)<br /> actualCost = pric...
3 years ago
<p>@RUS, if you want, send it to my email: [email protected]</p>
3 years ago
<p>@YIB does it show english and is it in the F1 help bar or in the GUI?</p>
3 years ago
<p>@Me Awesome! I'll try to remember to remove all the logging from debugging or just set parameters in a future release to toggle what gets logged. Glad you're enjoying it.</p>
3 years ago
<p>@Wrangler yes. Fee is 0.05 (5%), cost is 10.00 per animal. All that is in the menu next update.</p>
3 years ago
<p>Version 2.2 is almost ready, just debugging and testing everything.</p><br /> <br /> <p>Thank you for your patience as this takes a lot of work, especially debugging minor stuff and optimizing t...