Great Polish map with FS-17, the author is AGROPiotrmosz. Slightly changed under FarmSymulator19, Small fields small farms a unique climate. at this moment offers everything you can find in the FS19.
The starting point is the old machines, which makes the map more exciting. You can sell everything to start your career your own way.
The map has a clean log with no errors.
Enjoy the party.
p. s. Here additionally link to the map with climatic machines on the start, there are errors in the log but do not interfere with the fun.http://modsfile.com/1kcrloj0kjzc/FS19_Dolnoslaska.zip.html
Świetna polska mapa z FS-17, autorem jest AGROPiotrmosz. Trochę zmieniona pod FarmSymulator19, Małe pola małe gospodarstwa niepowtarzalny klimat.Na ten moment oferuje wszystko co można znaleźć w FS19.
Na start są stare maszyny co czyni mapę bardziej ekscytującą. Wszystko możesz sprzedać aby zacząć karierę po swojemu.
Mapa ma czysty log bez błędów.
p.s. Tutaj dodtkowo link do mapy z klimatycznymi maszynami na starcie,są błędy w logu ale nie przeszkadzają w dobrej zabawie.
can paly
these are only zipped up photos in the modhub download
in the game description you have a link to this map, but with machines, this version is probably more refined.
Bardzo fajna mapa polecam pobieranie !!!!!
Fakt fajna trochę odbiega od oryginału z FS17 , ale klimat wciąż ten sam .Pobrałem też mapę z linka zamieszczonego w opisie , fajne maszyny na start , takie jak na fotkach. Muszę zasadzić pyry to kombajn anna wypróbujem.:D
If you sell the farm buildings, some remain in place; should you repair this?
Great Map. Great old machines. Only complaint is that I can not place anything, like a tool box or power washer.
This is my Farming Simulator 2019 FS19 Dolnoslaska v1.0 First Hand Review. I am actually impressed with the amount of details that went into building this map. Honestly reminds me of an old country town with it's small roads and side roads that leads through the fields. With more updates to come, I know this map will certainly become a really nice map as a daily driver. - https://youtu.be/XbLv9BNJtE0
mappa stupenda ,10 su tutti ii punti di vista.pero e ottimizata un o male,texture troppo pesanti
Mapa świetna polecam i liczę jeszcze na PGR Bruzda.
I highly recommend the map and I still count on PGR Bruzda.
I started this map with seasons mod and the trees are all messed up. Is it seasons compatible?
Can't get grain out of the silo. And no place to sell eggs?
Mapka rewelacja tylko popraw tektury na Season Mod i pod najnowszego patch pozdrawiam i czekamy na update
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