L’équipe vous souhaite de passer un bon réveillon!
Voici avec l'autorisation de Ariksonr le pack KUBOTA.
J'ai eu l'autorisation de mettre mon propre liens .
Merci beaucoup a Ariksonr.
aller a 18h si on arrive au 7000 abonnée la map et a vous sinon je la range au chaud.
- 1 Downloads in
4 years ago
WTF!!!! Do you think if you paint the rostselmash orange it will suddenly become a kubota ? WTF!!! this is kubota https://www.kubota.com , just remove this fake trash "mod"
Yo, if it's got all the stuff in that video who cares if it's ANOTHER repaint? XD Most stuff is.
Nice m8! ,V..
i care, if u dont care the use NH as a fendt, class as a JD etc...
stick with it kid, you'll get it one day.
At least check the log for serious errors before releasing. eg Small tractor's front axl error when selecting front loader.
Sorry, that doesn't make sense.. D:
I understand what they are saying, the problem is on your end bud
It's probably cause you're kind of slow too :P
with so many @'s and E's going around it's almost like I'm at another rave party again, :) (it's not just redbull that gives you wings hahaha)
one suggestion use cnh tractors next time for kubota
Virus Dont downloand this !
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