Eire Ireland a map that brings multiple maps together into one. This map has been a 10 month build fully seasons compatable this map is alive with so many added features. Take on the true map of ireland.
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
Best Map!!! Thank you.
how about a picture of the actual map ?
and how big ? 2x 4x 8x ??
Farming Simulator 19 - B.O.B. Lookaround - Eire Ireland - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD7rkrJ-bss
Really nice map. It's very animal focused. But you could easily do crops. I really like the layout of the yards. Lots of buildings and very efficient tight layout. There's lots of attention to detail on this map that you don't see on many others. It's worth the download to at least have a look. I included a picture of the PDA map.
When I was in Ireland I didn't see that many trees but then I didn't see much of the rural areas either. This sure has the other map whipped for sure. Love all the detail. One thing missing on large maps usually. Go raibh maith agat.
nice map and i do love they layout and detail that has gone in to it
but the roads seems to narrow
It may look nice but it lags really bad. I also HATE the fact you have put YOUR selection of vehicles in the start from scratch, That means start with NOTHING!!!! So deleted this crap straight away :((((
Aweful map if the map does not suit you go your way, it is very good and very pretty this map .. me I say 20/20
My Fav map by far, great taste of home
map would be waaayyyyyy better is the cars drove on the correct side of the road.
Beautiful map otherwise.
bap good but for very small markets and too much grass and so for small markets roads are too small
everyone is saying roads are to narrow this is a irish map and the roads in Ireland are very narrow so everyone just shut up
to all assholes who disrespect this map, go make your own map if you do not like, oh but of course you won't because your too dumb and can only moan at other peoples hard work
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