This is a Anhydrous Pack V1.
It includes the John Deere 2623 cultivator, Salford 2100 cultivator, the single and double tank trailers.
It finishes off with the Anhydrous Placeable tank for refilling.
The 2623 will need to be unfolded and lowered to hook to the trailer.
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
what does this do
Very nice job thanks so much
i downloaded this only for the discs lol
i can't get the fertilizer to work
the john deere one doesn't support it
Guys you have to push b to turn the fert on works perfectly for me
Update the Side Dress Toolbar the blue and the red
Perfect, thanks
Having an issue with using it today turn on the cultivator and go to lower it and it turns right off as soon as I start to roll any ideas? It worked perfectly the first time.
Nice mod, but...
It does not work properly along side with what using regular solid or liquid fertilizer vehicles.
I tried this on a couple maps and it does the same thing.
1. I applied fertilizer via sprayer the field, then plowed it. PDA shows 1st app of fert,
2. I then used this mod with the JD disc, soil is darkened, but now 2nd app of fert. is shown.
3. Used regular cultivator, then when I applied solid or liquid fert, PDA showed 2nd app of fert.
Correct my statement.
2. I then used this mod with the JD disc (w/tank), soil is darkened, but "no" 2nd app of fert. is shown.
Yet using any other regular cultivator, and then applying solid or liquid fert does show, and count as 2nd and final application of fertilizer.
Some comments
- Both applicators need a large vertical hit box so they can attach to the tank trailers without having to be unfolded and lowered. In addition, you should be able to lower the tools without unfolding them.
- The double tank only displays one tank and the other tank is a mystery, but is there because it worked without the displayed tanks contents going down.
- If you drag the JD disk and double tank to the filling station the tank will fill infinitely until you manua
gsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgsgs HA GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
work only with worker
anhydrous needs to be put on xboxone for all players and i wish to use one on my system
where does the video come from how does he get all of that cool stuff and good toolbars and then all we get is a disc.
when I download it won't go into my game
yesssssssssss please make mod for xbox people and add the blue and side dressing applicator more toolbars
It would Be awsome if this was for consoles could be possible
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