Canadian Production Map Ultimate v5.0


This is the canadian production ultimate map converted to the canadian farm map foliages.  Some fields changes have been made and some to the farm area also. Main picture changes with a proud canadian farmer.

I hope you enjoy!

Thank you all.



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Commented on 2021-06-03 02:23:35

y a plus de black bean

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Commented on 2021-06-03 04:31:54

non il etais pas beau.

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Commented on 2021-06-03 04:40:42

I realized that the silo multifruit extention is unavailable at store.
To fix it until I issue another map. Unzip map folder, open modDesc.xml, in storeItems
find the line "placeables/farmSilos/farmSiloLarge.xml", duplicate the entire line and insert
below that line, replace farmSiloLarge with siloExtension. Save xml file and zip the map folder.

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Commented on 2021-06-03 19:23:30

This map needs a lot of work. Firstly there is no productions on this map, it it littered with too many sell points rather than production facilities. Secondly the fast travel icons don't always drop you off at the desired location, half the time you are wondering where the place is that you wanted to visit is then you find out you are nowhere near it. Thirdly the SHOP icon is in the middle of field 3 and the actual shop is nowhere near where the icon is, or where it send you when you hit visit place. Fourth on my list is the animal pens cannot be sold aside from the sheep pen. If a person doesn't want to raise horses or pigs ect. then why should they have to pay the daily costs of keeping the buildings? Fifth on my list is traffic cannot be turned off. Sure some people like the traffic on for a sense of realism, but some don't like those moron drivers getting in the way.

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Commented on 2021-06-03 22:31:55

Thanks Kidd for the update.......WHAT ME WORRY !!!! be happy ,..have fun

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Commented on 2021-06-04 15:50:25

If only the lag was finally fixed!!!

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