Welcome to Coldborough Park Farm, based on a real life location and working farm and set in the beautiful Herefordshire countryside.
Enjoy farming across this British rolling landscape. Whether you prefer Arable, Livestock husbandry, or forestry, this map will suit you perfectly.
- This map includes all Farming Simulator 19 features.
- Custom crop textures, 3 separate farms, several small storage yards and 2 Sell points.
- Bio Gas Plant, Bio Heating Plant and Livestock Market.
- Tip Collisions on every barn you can tip in. Muck out your Cattle and Pig sheds to keep them clean.
- Two main forestry areas, plus smaller woodlands for you to cut down as well as a sawmill
- Challenging terrain, Animated Gates, Doors, and Lights.
- MaizePlus, ManureSystem and fully optimized for Seasons Mod.
First release!
Warning the bugs the game,i not testing..
Log File clear
Very nice work on getting map converted. sorry, there's a problem with the straw. Harvester puts out piles not windrow. Was not able to rake or forage the straw. I didn't try grass windrow.
Just tested grass windrow. Its brown like some kind of grain. Same as straw just piles not windrow. Baler and mower get hung up on piles. Sorry about the bad news. Hope its fixable. I'm looking forward to working the map. It has great potential.
ps I do look for a map to have extra paintable things. Like bushes & wild flowers/weeds. Other than that you have all the important things, Maize Plus, Forage Extension and the extra crops for them.
Thanks so much for all your hard work!
Ask BB he might help you.
this is an illage
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