Eiersholt Map v1.0.0.3


Welcome to Eiersholt, a fictive map in the northern part of Europe based on Loess Hill Country map by TP-Modding. Eiersholt offers a lush green landscape and 61 irregular shaped fields, 3 minor villages and many sellpoints.

You don't need a new savegame for this update.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't feed the cows TMR when playing without MaizePlus
- Fixed an issue where crops would sometimes wither the day after they were planted
- Changed food definitions when playing with MaizePlus
- Changed starting vehicles so they will no longer spawn when playing in any other mode than New Farmer mode
- Changed several static objects on the map, so they can now be hidding using the Map Objects Hider mod

- Hotfix! Fixed an error causing the game to freeze when buying a large horse paddock. If updating from you don't need a new save

Unfortunately, a new game is necessary, because otherwise some changes to the terrain, especially the grazing of the animals, does not work. We are really sorry for that.
- Fixed issue of seasons visuals.xml causing texture failures on some placeables
- Renamed Raiffeisen to BayWa due to consistancy (Signs, Sellpoint menu, aso.)
- Some smaller visual changes
- Added info for the CCM fermenting silo to the help menu
- Fixed feeding issue when playing with Maize+ forage extension
- Fixed issues of ai traffic at several crossroads, thx to Ækzl
- Activated some additional fruits to be used by the AI, thx to Ifko
- Made some of the farm silos available/sellable at the shop
- Added several translations
- All translations are now availbale in spanish language as well, thx to Javier Selles
- Adjusted prices at the fodder shop
- Smoothed raised terrain at field 38
- Added a second weigh station at the BGA
- Fixed issues with tires, pallets and collisions at the BGA
- Fixed issue with cleanliness at the pigs pen
- Raised capacity of the BGA input
- Fixed problem with the animal grazing
- Deco in woods and some fields is sellable now
- Deco cows and deco horses are also sellable now
- Reworked the xmls of the fruits
- Added bale trigger at the pigs feeding
- Additional switchable farmyard lighting installed
- Reworked map border
- Reworked the lighting
- Added custom shop UI
- Fixed compost texture issue, thx to Farmer_Andy
- Full Precision Farming DLC support

You don't need any additional mods when playing on Eiersholt, but the map is compatible with:
- Seasons 19 by Realismus Modding (No additional GEO is needed. Eiersholt has a build in GEO)
- HorseExtension by the Farming Agency
- Strawharvest Addon by Creative Mesh
- AnimalPenExtension by GtX
- Manure system by Wopster

With Eiersholt you will get a lot of custom features. Some of them are:
- New fruittypes: Alfalfa, Clover, Horsegrass, Fieldgrass, Meadowgrass, Miscanthus, Triticale, Rye, Spelt, Millet, Onions, Carrots
- New Silages (when playing with Horse Extension mods): Grassilage, Maizesilage, WCS, Cloversilage, Alfalfasilage, Horsesilage
- FruitDestruction 2.0 - extended realistic fruit destruction
- Feeding system reworked (when playing with Horse Extension mods)
- Changed Horse Husbandries (added Manure)
- Heighttype-Limit maxed to 128
- CCM-Bin-Silo
- Overhaul of light system by Realismus Modding, Oxygen_David
- Custom sawmill buildings by Kastor
- LandScapePaintText by HoT, DerElky
- Additional terrain angles
- Many additional paintable textures plus grass, bushes and weeds

Script authors:
- Ifko[nator] (AnimalFix, I3DLoadingFix, l10nfix, SprayerFix, addBalesToWrapper, FieldManagerFix)
- Farmer_Schubi (FillTypeMover)

The map would not have been possible without the help of the following people:
Modders: bgo1973, Kobuk (snowMask), mrPassion78 (new AD route network, available at the Datalund Discord)
Testers: overchord, Stu, GBP_Nation12, ddewar, Butterz, fattygabby, ticho, Northen, RebelliiouZ, GamemanDK, iw_shawn, Matty, bgo1973, Datalund

Special thanks to:
- Vectormodding - for finally giving full permission and rights
- The Alien Paul, Ifko[nator] and Kastor - For helping out with so many things and for giving permissions to use scripts and buildings!
- all the others we have forgotten here



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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

problem open door tmr mixer

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Commented on 2021-08-14 22:21:29

There is a problem with grass if you play with season-mod.
After cutting the grass we have (wet_grass) fresh grass, I start shaking and there is grass, each subsequent shaking does not change it remains grass although you can see that the texture changes.
When collecting the swath, either with a forage wagon or in bales, the grass remains.
This problem does not occur if you play without the season-mod. Is there any way to fix this?

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