Hello LS19 fans
Version 3.0 Multifruit
1. Lidl poster on Lidl has been corrected.
2. Paths of the animals was changed by Mapeigene files on Giantsdateien sodas the APE mod works. Only the stable does not work the APE mod because this is an external horse stable mod.
3. Mist is now displayed in the price list in the menu.
4. unloading point of the potato factory has been corrected.
5. Trainee sound files have been corrected.
6. Built in composting.
7. Map prepared for Season Ready.
8. Potato washer installed.
9. Malt production, fuel production built-in.
10.Sugar built-in.
11. Several buildings built for productions.
12. Manual light installed in RumWhiskyherstellung.
13. Corrections Animated wooden gates pushed into built-in decoration.
14. Many minor details and deco built-in.
15. Unnecessary Specular removed from Map which are no longer needed in LS19 and further various optimizations such as ClipDistancen reduced (sometimes from 1 000000 to 500 set).
16. Beautified trees planted regions.
17. Tipcol the map adapted to the corresponding built-in building sodas snow is not in buildings.
18. Additional sawmill built for production of empty pallets and board pallets.
19. Manure storage Kopostlager and slurry storage installed.
20. Fields adapted or changed.
21. Cardboard production, flour production, barrel production built in and much more.
22. Tobacco textures created and incorporated as a fruit type.
23. Cigarette factory installed.
Hereby I make my converted Felsbrunn 1.3 standard fruit available to all. The farm I have put on a different terrain and the stables of the animals are also housed in the farm. Also, I have a few small things built with you have to explore yourself. The launch vehicles and takeoff fields are also changed. I hope you like my processed Felsbrunn.Einige open spaces are also available. I have done my best and the log is up on the bush01 which is a bug of Giants error-free. Still, I do not exclude errors that were not apparent to me. If someone finds fault, please let me know.
I will try to change that.
The PDAMap version 1.3 standard fruit is now in several sections scanned, assembled by hand and included in this version for the first time.
Much has been rebuilt, replaced or redesigned what a new score vorraussetzt. The log is so far except for the errors caused by Giants own error and error messages. Still, I do not exclude minor inattention on my part in the design of the map, such as: floating objects, etc ,
On the installation of a Wurzelfruchtlagers I deliberately omitted because there are already several possibilities of mods that allow anyone to place on the open spaces his silos themselves.
And now I wish you much fun with the Felsbrunn
MC / Jürgen

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

Farming Simulator 19 - B.O.B. Flyover - Felsbrunn Edit By MC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5D0TXG-lVI
houaaaa en multi fruit c'est super bravo beau travail belle décoration tout pour être content bien cordialement et bonne continuation
bravo la premiere belle map depuis le debut 2019 . merci
la map est bien mais les usines ne marche pas
est ce que quelqun a une solution
Tried every factory works ......
did you wait for them to actually produce something before presuming they worked?
bonjour,chefcook je pense qu'il faut acheter les usines
could you make a map like v2.2, and not have Global Company productions. I don't use that mod. Potato washer is not needed. All the liquid manure tanks not needed. Or at least make them sellable. So you don't have to keep them. Ihave four Felsbrunn maps playing. v2.2, 3.2, 3.0, 4,0 and 5.0. Thanks
Sorry, I ment five.
Alfalfa, rye, millet, clover, and triticale.??
Belle map mais beaucoup d'erreur dans le fichier de langue (fr/eng)
Ca prend beaucoup de temps à tout corriger.
Nice map but a lot of errors in the language file (fr / eng)
It takes a long time to correct everything.
Looks great but having "Missing 'Felsbrunn_Edit_By_MC_Obstherstellung_Factoryname' in I10n_en.xml" all over the map is rather confusing.
bonjour elle est belle mais .. baucoupd de choses ne fonctionne pas les legumes impossible mettre gaziol eau graines rien . voilas
la scirie ne fonctionne pas .. ???? ca viens de moi ?? jai reinstaller la map 2 fois tj pareil
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