no errors all fixed! courseplay works!
report issues for this map to fs19.gridfree.ca free multiplayer community.
uniting players and modders
1 new gasfier plant
2 sawmills, replaced sawmill south and Rear now complete sawmills with log sales.
woodship sales rear moved and now full size sawmill (Sawmill North), with logs and woodchip sales.
Vehicle Spawn piont for farm 3 changed to north shop.
new shop in central city (main city now completely rebuilt)
Shop and Farm Icons moved/added, Shop at central city now spawn vehicles for farm 1 and 2.
3 farm map icons added.
both fs17 gas stations changed to new gas stations with lighting.
sell point markings added to all sell points.
rogers, moved beet pile to allow truck to drive around the plant.
ligthting, many new lights added to city and sell points and intersections on highway.
gate with triggers added to some sell points
ATV Park map icon and now signed staging area with lights.
majority of the cosmetics are complete textures trees etc.
some tiny cosmetics still need to be completed while the sell point and gameplay is being verified.
removed object from road on F10
removed atm in air F19
removed planters from old shop area
***Please check log and chip sales at new sawmills***
***2 hidden roads can you find them both?***
**still can not find cars that are in game and not in editor, anyone that can help with this would be greatly appreciated!
this next stage is the final stages, making sure the gameplay is functional and balanced.
your input is very important to make a well rounded map.
there should now be a balance of seel points for all areas of the map, this should make for a much better gameplay from many different locations.
the sell points names I feel can also be imporved. looking for suggestions.
If you feel there could be a better balance please feel free to suggest them.
The next version will be updated missions, then a short test period then the final of this map.
I will be using the forum on fs19.gridfree.ca for support and issues with this map, to allow for future updates in and when needed.
Version will be working on missions, and any issues found in V2.0.0.4
Changelog 26 SELL POINTS V2.0.0.3
26 sell points in total
2 bio-gas plants
2 animal dealers
shop moved to central city
central city completely rebuilt with real houses, commercial building and lighting (more lighting next update).
ground around all city roads have been fixed, no more drop off.
more comsetics needs to be done to central city.
some textures have been added to main city.
start of atv off-road course added to NW moutain range, diff lock required! (signing still needs to be done)
all origonal sell points have been updated with new triggers and larger trigger area.
2 new roads! can you find them both?
Changelog V2.0.0.2
fixed all sell points
all sell points are now in English
poll sheds removed
farm areas level and smoothed edges (had some rough edging)
farm 1 area made larger, many trees removed, pushed back the mountains to allow for large husbandry.
1 new sell point Costco
File size will drop drastically once final edits are complete. 3 cities from 3 different maps is making for large file size and will be reduced.
Changelog V1.0.0.0
BGA now fully on the ground, turned straigt to be able to fill easier,
all purchase silo's removed from farm start locations
All building removed minus the big poll shed, now can place anywhere in the main farm area
Main Farm Field leveled to allow for a much larger main farm
no other changes made
Orinal Flusstal XXL, converted and dumped.
the map
all 3 farm start locations are level smoothed edges and empty......
35 fields of all sizes
approximately 10 woods
3 courtyards
3 cities
launch vehicles are also available on medium difficulty.
if you find any mistakes, then please do not insult me in the comments, but write me a pn with screenshot then i can take care of it.
ole ole
if the map is offered on other sites for download, please use the original link!
donations via paypal: ole.lennart.hohberg@googlemail.com
field 1 (field01) : 19.965 ha - 49.334 ac
field 2 (field02) : 9.489 ha
field 3 (field03) : 30.373 ha
field 4 (field04) : 4.294 ha
field 5 (field05) : 1.836 ha
field 6 (field06) : 7.816 ha
field 7 (field07) : 121.937 ha
field 8 (field08) : 21.263 ha
field 9 (field09) : 17.673 ha
field 10 (field10) : 9.606 ha
field 11 (field11) : 9.114 ha
field 12 (field12) : 7.657 ha
field 13 (field13) : 7.633 ha
field 14 (field14) : 10.485 ha
field 15 (field15) : 16.381 ha
field 16 (field16) : 16.366 ha
field 17 (field17) : 22.028 ha
field 18 (field18) : 8.533 ha
field 19 (field19) : 21.934 ha
field 20 (field20) : 17.428 ha
field 21 (field21) : 47.885 ha - 118.326 ac
field 22 (field22) : 8.680 ha
field 23 (field23) : 2.335 ha
field 24 (field24) : 28.093 ha
field 25 (field25) : 32.293 ha
field 26 (field26) : 6.610 ha
field 27 (field27) : 9.429 ha
field 28 (field28) : 30.370 ha
field 29 (field29) : 37.936 ha
field 30 (field30) : 8.359 ha
field 31 (field31) : 5.365 ha
field 32 (field32) : 11.878 ha
field 33 (field33) : 13.735 ha
field 34 (field34) : 8.537 ha
field 35 (field35) : 10.715 ha
field 36 (field36) : 6.990 ha
many are going nut converting from FS17, including maps, these take an extreme amount of work to fix to get to FS19 standards. this map and many others are being converted and dumped online as is, and need lots of work,
I chose this map since the creator was for FS17 or some other version have no idea and someone converted it and dumped it and no one fixing these converting and dumped files, I am amazed at how many dumped files are for FS19 and the issues this will bring.
hello I to you to compliment your map, I play from the beginning go put you trains and a airport thank you
bonjour d’après ce que je me rappelle les routes caché sont en dehors de la map
hello from what i remember the hidden routes are outside the map
très beau travail réaliser bravo je continus a jouer avec elle est formidable travail soigner et suivi bravo
very nice work to do bravo I continue to play with it is great job care and follow-up bravo
@Parzival Great map, and thanks for the update.
How does the north shop work as spawn point for farm 3? Vehicles always spawn at the central shop. Apart from this, its a great map, fun to play
Could you please add 4-5 smaller fields... Like 1-2 ha?
working on proper spawning to north shop, seems all 3 farms must be set up in the farm and vehicles xml and set to the farm. once the final is complete of the empty map, I will create 3 pre built multiplayer farms where everything can be sold. since the editor, was planning on only placing husbandry and basic farm set up with vehicles and let the player edit the lands.
the landscape of this map wont allow for small fields unless major changes happen, i am also working on LS19_Hagenstedt_Extreme , this map I will be adding more fields, and will be converted over to all current industries, the massive fps drop is from the shaders and other shared files from fs17, the conversions seems to be lacking in some areas.
anyone try planting trees? any issues?
the hidden roads are on the map, and very close to farm 1.
bonjour c'est pas normal à coté du champ 26 il y a une scierie enfoncer dans le sol ont ne voit que le toit ??
hello it's not normal next to field 26 there is a sawmill sink into the ground have only sees the roof ??
can not find this issue
@ Parzival, Haloo and thx for great map. I will ask, u can add one more BGA to farm 2 ? and u can make bigger bunker for chaff like in original map (Felsbrum/Ravenport max capacity cca 5 500 000 liter/ 1 bunker). I think this actual bunker are little small (cca max capacity 2 500 000 liter/ 1 bunker) for this big fields.
yes, will increase both BGA, also be changing the settings for faster processing, will be adding only another BGA without the bunker where the original shop was, where the new gasifier is,
all wood and chips sales has been tested, the south sawmill chips trigger is to high, I lowered the mill and forgot to change the trigger. defaultitem.xml please make sure line 13 says -1743.552 52.24 1914.965 sellingStationWoodChips.xml, this will correct the issue till the next version,
or dump some chips on the ground as a ramp lol
great map thanks for sharing
I have v2.0.0.0, will this update that or do I have to start a new save game?
to keep all your vehicles and farm and everything you created, copy the farm lands, vehicles and items that say farm ID 1 , add these to a newly created save game with the current version, restart the new savegame with the edited files and you have the exact same farm.
I will make a video on this to help people.
FS19 is very easy to edit the files of anything, it may seem hard at first, like all new things, yet take the time you need to learn it, and you will not regret learning how to do basic edit especially to keep all the hard work you have done,
the 2 video attached by the youtube click-bait trolls showing the wrong map, have been asked many times to make new videos and post those or do not post at all, and well show how much they really care, so i left a nice note on there youtube page..
Well Courseplay is not working on sellpoint and it's not form courseplay issue :( so bad this map was amazing!
stop using mods with errors, lol....
Joe Ramsey February 11, 2019 at 1:18 pm
I really like the map the roads and the field sizes and all. But I had a problem selling hay at Mann east when I unloaded it. Is it me doing something wrong. It was with a mod trailer if that makes a difference
Naedwg February 11, 2019 at 3:37 pm
I just unloaded loose straw there yesterday, in the in floor hopper ramp.(East Mann feeds rear). I was using the in game Krone loading wagon
90% of the mods have errors, courseplay is in BETA, so maybe you should download a new courseplay daily sometimes twice a day... BETA means i will not change anything, due to a mod in beta, lol
a tous voila je ne me lasse pas de cette merveilleuse carte champ corrects je me suis installé ferme trois donc déplacer les triggers pour recevoir mon matériel en ferme trois comme je l'ai déja dit la scierie coté champ 26 enfoncer dans le sol mais je constate que celle au sud en bas de carte a gauche une moitué reste en élévation par apport au sol. lol sinon map excellente
to all this I do not get tired of this wonderful field correct card I settled three firm so move the triggers to receive my equipment in farm three as I already said the sawmill side field 26 drive into the ground but I note that the one in the south at the bottom of the map on the left a moitué remains in elevation by contribution to the ground. lol otherwise excellent map
les scieries ne sont pas indiquer sur le pda fonctionne t'elle ou juste pour décoré sinon j'essaye de remodeler le terrain coté nord pas de problème mais coté sud ce seras plus compliquer mes amitiés cordiales .
the sawmills are not to indicate on the pda works it or just for decorated if I try to remodel the ground quoted north no problem but south side it will be more complicate my cordial friendships
bon problème de mes précédent massage
résolue merci a celui qui à fait le path 1.3 qui a tout transformer. que l'ont trouve plus heureusement je vient d'ouvrir la map hé surprise tout est en place je n'ai plus qu'a tout recommencer une save game correct, mais bon ça peut servir a ceux qui ont us ce problème excuser moi du dérangement a bientôt
*good problem of my previous massage
resolved thank you to the one who made the 1.3 path that changed everything. I have just opened the map hey surprise everything is in place I have more than to start a good game save, but hey it can serve those who have this problem excuse me the inconvenience see you soon
thanks for letting us know how the problem happened and how it can be fixed, on the player side, also if you download any bad HUD, courseplay or any other mod that added folders to the fs19 folder with custom setting that did or does not work you will have to delete that new file and restart the game, sometimes you will have to reinstall, then make sure you reinstall the updates again, in proper order.
also if you have 2 gigs of maps and mods, all these load every game no matter what, only have the mods you play with in your folder, and have a second folder for the storage, using lots of the massive mods like trucks where the mod is over 200 mb the size of a basic 4x map, will also cause you issues, when stacked with many.
for any errors please sign up to fs19.gridfee.ca, join the flusstal xxl English forum, and post your entire log, why using an actual forum for support. you can uplaod you log to fs19.gridfree.ca, this website is always free no advertising, (except form the players and modders). to bring modders and players together.
Hello Parzival, i try and explore u map and me like soo mutch :D Shop 2 dont have a buy triger. I make 3 farms and buy them farm place but Farm 3 cannot buy, or reset their vehicles on shop 2. When u can fix it ? and when u can add next BGA station for farm 2 ? or u can make Placeable bga (for example without digestate production and without bunker)? Can u recommend me some biger silo (like a 500 000 L - 1 000 000 L) for crops ?
Parked cars that show up in the maps that Giants used, they seem to not be listed anywhere in GE.
Either they are in GE, and are listed with some weird name, and not been found.
They are not listed in GE, and are running from a script to be displayed in the map.
I had RR crossing not shown in GE. I asked a map maker about cars and RR crossings, his only reply was, If you can't find it in the scenegraph, if an object appears in-game, but is not shown in GE, it has to be running fr
Flusstal XXL V2.0.0.4 Secret Roads
BLACKBIRD_SK , thanks, yes larger and 3 bga for next update, the next update will be a pre final, I cant find any decent large animal husbandry without error and lights, I am working on that as well as the final changes, this next update will be at least 2 weeks.
for 3 farm to work, it seems 3 farms need to prebuilt and set up to spawn to north shop, and why i am trying to get the husbandry done to make 3 as close as possible farms as possible, without errors and hopefully all with lightin
3VERLAND, I hope it is not a script and hope it is visibility , once the final is done, i will take the time to import this entire map into a new map and take out as much of the bulk and deleted content as possible and hope during that it can be found, if not ill raise the areas with the cars. thank for the info
Flusstal Night Atv Trail
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