Frohnheim MF Map v0.9.2.0


Hello, hereby I introduce you my Map Frohnheim, this is a 4-fold MAP with all standard fruits, there are about

Hofsilo removed, caused problems placing other objects

40 fields between 8 and 90 ha. It is for players who like maps with large helper friendly fields. The fields are exclusively rectangular and have at the beginning and end large areas for the turning trip. Since there are only a few such maps, this is even created. It is only tested in SP mode. All fields are defined and also purchasable, there are several points of sale as well as a BGA. The basis of this map is based on the empty quadruple map of Kastor and I hereby thank him and all other modders for all the objects I used to create this map.




Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

I love this map! Thanks for the big fields. Just started working my fields, Love the way you did the Farm.

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Commented on 2021-03-20 15:40:21

this map is not playable, 019-03-20 09:15 Error: addRequiredCropType foliage must match the size of the ground terrain detail.
the files are the wrong size for a 4x map., and is not playable in any fashion...

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