FS19 Puszta Map V1 beta


FS19 Puszta Map The track has: new soil and grass texture, 2 stations for sale, manure for sale. Multifruit will need Global campaign and seasson modes to function well. The track is a BETA version.

FS-19 Puszta Map
A pálya rendelkezik : uj talaj és fü texturával, 2db eladó állomassal , trágya eladás. Multifruit a jó mükődéshez szükség lesz a Global kampani, és seasson modokra.
A pálya BÉTA verzió.


FS-19 Puszta Map
The track has: new soil and grass texture, 2 stations for sale, manure for sale. Multifruit will need Global campaign and seasson modes to function well.
The track is a BETA version.

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