Welcome everyone to the next installment of Felsbrunn , another one because there are a lot of them. A month after FS19 was released I published a map called "Your Farm" which is a remodeled Felsbrunn. This New Felsbrunn map is a revised and upgraded Your Map multifruit map. Map ready for mod season, precision farming and fully compatible with manure system , addon straw hervest and maize plus. Using the mentioned modifications the map will run and be fully playable. In addition, we have thirteen additional productions on the fields and the so-called multiterrain, which allows you to cultivate fields from all angles.
On the map we have added many additional buying stations, which receive from us non-standard productions such as tomatoes, cauliflowers, sugar, flour, yoghurts, butter and many others. All it takes is a modification and the erection of a suitable building for production and we have an assured sale.
The many trees on the map also provide plenty of opportunities for lumberjacks to cut down trees and produce in sawmills, trees should not be in short supply. We also have an additional two fully functional farms to buy with chicken coops for egg and chicken production and a horse farm as well as a sheep pasture. If someone does not feel like raising animals then they will find a job in vegetable production and other agricultural produce.
Have fun on the map while waiting for the new FS22 release.
I always like Felsbrunn maps, but on this one when you try to remove a tree, it gets ten times larger. Guess I will keep playing my older maps. Hope for a better one soon or just wait until November 22nd. Many Thanks
You are right because this is a re-edition of this issue and I did not mention trees that are scaled up as bushes, you can try to cut them with shredders, while the remaining trees should be cut normally. There is no point in further editing this map in anticipation of a new fs22
Sorry to everyone for the bug preventing cow feeding, all now fixed and working fine in v.
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