FS19 Osiek Seven farms ready v2.3.0.0


Hello again, sorry everyone for uploading a bad copy of the map, here the correct version with no log errors with extra objects.

In easy mode at the start we have the largest field which can be sold for 2700000 and the cash can be used to buy one of the seven farms on the map and the machinery you need. We have five complete farms, one large pig farm which we can turn into a breeding farm and in Osiek we can buy garage and warehouse space for an agricultural service company for those who like contracts and do not necessarily have to have a farm. Silage and storage silos accept all crops found on the map.

The map can be used to cultivate the land from all angles (multi terrain), the map also includes a stubble and grass levelling script.

The map is compatible with modifications:

- Precision Farming

- Seasons 19 by Realismus Modding 

- HorseExtension by the Farming Agency

- Strawharvest Addon by Creative Mesh

- AnimalPenExtension by GtX

- Manure system by Wopster


-(AnimalFix, I3DLoadingFix, l10nfix, SprayerFix, addBalesToWrapper)


Disabled resetting fields after purchase and disabled photo radar. These two options can be enabled by editing (modDesc) the maps.

The map also includes objects from Bernie scs. from the Hinterkaifeck map.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the development of FS19. Feel free to download the map and have fun.

If you have any questions or find any errors, please let me know. tomasolek@gmail. com



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Commented on 2021-09-26 12:48:41

Oh god help me I'm getting video trauma from idiot monkey behind the camera

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Reply comment on 2021-09-27 07:57:34

Do you want to earn from home by working basic work using your dekstop or laptop for 4 to 5 h on daily basis, get paid 96 bucks an hour and get a paycheck every week and choose yourself your working time…

Then see this---> wWw.Nifty2.com

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Commented on 2021-09-26 13:44:32

Steven Spielberg

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Commented on 2021-09-26 18:45:52

I can't understand, again the game is not saved and gives an error, even when I launch it without modifications: ((((

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Commented on 2021-09-26 19:04:42

I have no influence on that anymore, in my folder everything is ok, I have over 1300 modifications and save game does without any problem. And the Global Company you have? how about this?

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Commented on 2021-09-26 22:53:31

Company you have? ...... Yes, I tried to start the card without modifications clean, right now I will try again. I already have not the first card that gives an error when saving. I think I'm doing something wrong, the card has nothing to do with it

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Commented on 2021-09-27 00:02:42


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Reply comment on 2021-09-27 15:43:54

try to download the map again, maybe some data package was lost during the transfer, I have had such events that downloading again worked

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Commented on 2021-10-02 14:02:40

Jakie Linijki trzeba zmienić w moddesc aby włączyć F
otoRadar ??

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Reply comment on 2021-10-03 07:36:20

(PL) ze skompresowanego pliku mapy wytnij modDesc , otwórz go (edytuj) odszukaj
na końcu oskryptowania masz linijkę (MapBlitzerTrigger) zlikwiduj znaczniki na początku i na końcu wpisu jak powyżej mają linijki pozostałe wpisy. Gotowe. Teraz wklej z powrotem modDesc do mapy.
Linijka (NoFieldFlipping) to resetowanie pul uprawnych na zero upraw po zakupie.

(EN) from the compressed map file cut modDesc , open it (edit) find
at the end of the scripting you have a line (MapBlitzerTrigger) remove the tags at the beginning and end of the entry like the other entries have lines above. It's ready. Now paste modDesc back into the map.
The line (NoFieldFlipping) is resetting the crop pools to zero crops after purchase.

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