FS19 Ringwood's by Stevie


So after just being pipped to the post in the user poll by Pine Cove Farm here is the FS19 Ringwood's map rebuilt from the ground up.

The map feature's 2 farms in new farmer mode however they will be cleared in start from scratch and farm manager modes although some key sell points will be retained. The map has multiangle terrain, multifruit's with extra straw types, custom animals and feeds, is seasons ready, has a basic precision farming map, placeable areas, a huge forestry trail around the map edge for logging and more. All extra vehicles needed are included with the map and can be found in the store. Carrots and onion equipment can be found in the stores misc sections. This was the very first map I started modding with back when FS15 came out and it's been a blast to go back and rebuild it. Many thanks to Duck, Chris and Larry for helping with testing it. Stay safe people and have fun with it.

Donation link: https://paypal.me/StevieFSMods?locale.x=en_GB




Commented on 2021-08-30 17:55:53


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Reply comment on 2021-08-30 19:23:21

Dickfaced nobgobbler

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Commented on 2021-08-30 18:47:51

Can't download

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Commented on 2021-08-30 18:50:58

Merci pour Maps

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Commented on 2021-08-30 18:57:01

Tell me how to contact the author Stevie. Please

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Reply comment on 2021-08-30 19:49:21

Here's his official facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StevieFSMods/

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Reply comment on 2021-08-31 01:03:24

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Commented on 2021-08-30 20:25:08

B.O.B. Flyover - FS19 Ringwoods by Stevie - Farming Simulator 19 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXivrN-rl-w

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Commented on 2021-08-30 20:56:53

The problem with this guy ( Stevie)are the same all the maps are equal the same structure etc etc

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Commented on 2021-08-30 21:08:17

You Google JACKASS! When are you going to pull your head out. GOOGLE MY BALLS BITCH!

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Commented on 2021-08-30 21:27:15

I can now see why he gas a kicjstarter for a new video card. This map is laggy as crap!

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Commented on 2021-08-30 23:11:15

this map is for newbie only square camp stfu fucking map

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Commented on 2021-08-31 00:41:09

How come so many bad words have to be used?? Can nobody write a comment without using bad words.
If someone cannot write decent ,than do not write a comment.

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Reply comment on 2021-08-31 05:27:27

Stevie is incompetently bending over and getting ramrodded as a LGBTQ, which does not work for the majority who hate his guts. Why do we hate him? He's a GOGGLING BROWNNOSER with shoddy work! See damnit I didn't curse... SO FUCK OFF!

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Reply comment on 2021-08-31 20:42:46

You sir, are a fucking idiot

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Commented on 2021-08-31 17:15:27

love your work stevie..thought you said not doing ringwoods...nevermind the haters,none of them have ever made a map...keep up the good work,stay safe,and thanks.

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Commented on 2021-08-31 19:15:45

bonsoir a tous je me demande toujours pourquoi tant d'insultes et de haine
envers tous les mappeurs et modeurs qui vous font découvrir autre chose de ce qui nous ai proposer analysez
vous avant de pouvoir juger ceux qui vous partage leurs travail qu'ils effectues à bonne entendeur je vous salut bien
Good evening everyone I always wonder why so many insults and hatred
To all the mappers and modders who make you discover something else from what we have proposed analyze
You before being able to judge those who share their work with you which they carried out with good hearing I greet you well

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Commented on 2021-08-31 19:17:47

excusez moi je voulez traduire
Good evening everyone, I always wonder why so many insults and hatred
To all the mappers and modders who will make you discover something else from what we have proposed to analyze
You before you can judge those who share their work with you who they performed with good hearing I salute you

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Commented on 2021-08-31 20:50:59

Someone needs a good ass kicking, you lil' bitch. Hopefully you'll at least understand that, since it's more at your level. You know, way down there, in the sewers and waste of humanity. You can critic and offer constructive dialogue, or you can be....well, you. Take that for a constructive behavior modification technique.

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Reply comment on 2021-09-03 15:11:45

And Who are you smart ass bitch, go and play else where

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Commented on 2021-09-01 01:08:33

I gave it thumbup but,that map needs some more work.Great job,i like ur map a lot,but there're some things that dont work and i konow that there're gonna be a lot of updates.

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Reply comment on 2021-09-01 13:55:49

pas besoin de vous excusez une carte est un travail de longue heures de travail quand tous ceux qui râle le comprendrons l'entente seras excellente moi je dit que rien n'est parfait dés la première fois donnons des conseils instructifs au lieu d'insultes bien cordialement

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Commented on 2021-09-04 03:01:53

Map seems to work okay for me, no lag or any other problems so far. I guess hardware quality could have some bearing on the problems some are having.

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Commented on 2021-09-05 01:24:21

voila déjà vingt trois heures que je joue sur cette carte
donc le seul lague que je rencontre ce situe a l'horizon vers la ferme ou dans la ferme en vue de la maison chalet
en regardants en vue surélevé le lague disparais en conclusion c'est sur la ferme au centre de la carte
que cela ce produit sinon carte fonctionne a merveille une chose ne va pas le silo ne prend pas de semence dommage dans l'ensemble belle réussite manque un peut de point plus important de petit lacs ou étant
I have already been playing on this card for twenty three hours
So the only lagoon that I meet is located on the horizon towards the farm or in the farm with a view to the cottage house
Looking in elevated view the lagoon disappears in conclusion it is on the farm in the center of the map
That this product otherwise card works wonderfully one thing is wrong the silo does not take seed damage overall good success lacks a little more important point of small lakes or being

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Commented on 2021-09-05 01:26:19

excusé le traducteur comme qui dirait fait des sienne bien cordialement

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