MountainHill2021 4-fach v7.0.0.0


Hello community,

- Start vehicles sorted (ID)
- Pelletizer with halls added (addon straw collection)
- Fixed bug with Seasons (fields now empty at start)
- Bug in the Bergbauer yard snow roof removed
- all field approaches processed (better with AD)
- all fields (FieldDimension) adjusted
- PDA renewed
- Traffic AI traffic added
- Deco vehicles added
- Deco trees added or removed
- Adjusted consumption for Digestate (Precision Farming)
- Bridges a little wider

Here is my new MountainHill2021 (Seasons, Precision and ManureSystem Ready)
It is a 4-way map that offers many possibilities.
Of course, the map has been tested and works without errors or log entries.
Pictures say more than a thousand words and the modder is happy about a "thumbs up and a few asterisks". Thanks in advance.
AutoDrive course for the MountainHill2021_V7
Here are a few brief key data about the map.
- 4 ways to start a new game, depending on how you start, you own different properties. Everything that is not included at the start (fields, forests, productions) must first be bought before you can farm or use them.
- Seasons GEO is integrated (RM-Seasons must be in the mod folder)
- except for the sales outlets and villages you have to buy everything else (depending on the start)
- 11 different sales outlets
- 14 different productions
- 3 gas stations
- 95 different fields from small to large (also meadows)
- 60 pieces of forest that can be bought, sometimes larger, sometimes smaller
- With Seasons, the map also changes (not only trees, but also roofs, snow poles, ice, etc.) in spring, summer, autumn and winter

You can buy various fruits at Raiffeisen and in the AVIA shop.
E.g. hops, wheat, barley, corn, sunflowers, soybeans, oats, rye, rice, poppy seeds, triticale, rabbits, millet, straw and silage
What, where in which silo fits, place digital ads or just try it out.
Write me a PM if you should find errors or objects that are still floating above the ground.
Please only offer the map on other forums with the original download link.
Now I wish you a lot of fun with the map.

Required mods:
GlobalCompany from LS-ModCompany:

Optional required mods (but advantageous):
Strog recovery addon


Precision Farming DLC:

Precision Farming Addon:

Slurry system:

Silo display from GTX

GAE cowshed from LS-ModCompany:

Global Market logistics center from LS-ModCompany:

and the GlobalCompany - GlobalMarket - EXE

Opportunity log & innovations:
- Changes to farmlands (prices)
- fieldMapIndicator adjusted

No new savegame required
- Fixed bug with all triggers of the sales outlets
  (Triggers were in the ground)

New savegame required
- Sleep trigger changed for Lohni, Bergbauer and Ruine
- SoilMap for PrecisionsFarming refined
- Fixed small xml errors at the Bergbauer farm
- Removed overhead line at Bergbauer
- Fixed bug with lighting of productions and sales points
- Added purchase trigger to AVIA
- You can now buy from Raiffeisen and Avia
  Hops, wheat, barley, corn, sunflowers, soybeans, oats, rye, rice, poppy seeds, triticale,
  Rabs, millet, straw and silage
  Purchase prices factor 2.35 from the sales price
- Changed a few traffic signs
- Added decorative trees

New savegame required

- Errors in the item.xml file (Errors)
  Unfortunately I forgot to update the files in V3 :-( Sorry

New savegame required

- Enlarged water trigger at the cattle dealer
- Moved the straw / bale trigger at the livestock dealer
- Fixed bug with plane (Error: Index not found: plane)
- stationary baler removed (Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished' bug fixed, CP version works now)
- Changes made to the silage production due to CourcePlay errors

New savegame required (unless you go into the savegame and delete the stationary baler in vehicles.xml)

- Helicopter quieter
- SiloDisplays h


Sugar factory: El Cid
Dairy: LS19 Giants
Brewery: LS11 GE mapping (Sil3nt-G4m3r)
Balelager: The eggs
Heating plant: from LS15
Grain stores from Giants
Garden center: LS11 GE mapping (Sil3nt-G4m3r)
Large yard silo: BernieSCS
Concrete bunker set: Kastor and d-s-agrarservice
Warehouses: Dogface
SeedTower: The Hop Farmer
Pallet factory: Susi and Wingi
Sawmill: Susi and Wingi
Grain mill: from LS19
BGA: from LS19
Warehouse: from LS15
Hall composter and wood chopper: Lancyboi
FarmHouse: Edwards_Modding
Horse, pig, sheep and chicken coop DonDiego Map: DonDiego00
Helicopter: Edwards_Modding
TrafficCars: Dutch-Modding

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