New Best Village version 2 for FS19
- 15 field
- Forest
- 1x farm
everything FS19
Have fun!
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
New Best Village version 2 for FS19
- 15 field
- Forest
- 1x farm
everything FS19
Have fun!
This map stinks worse then my poop filled diaper
Diese Karte stinkt schlimmer als meine mit Windeln vollgefüllte Windel
I have yet to play it, but the map looks nice.
@Dyma123 nothing wrong with a little farm on a little's a Little Paradise, on a little 1x map..what is South of Heaven, but North of Hell?..A little Piece Of Paradise
Don't kid yourself. Your diaper smells a lot worse so go have your daddy change it for you, you big baby. And stuff his 'pacifier' in your mouth so we don't have to hear your incessant wailing. After that take a nap so you aren't so cranky. I think the doctor spanked the wrong end when you were born and damaged your brain.
posted by a bot and replied to pretending to be bots lol DYMA123 cant even speak
WHY ALL THE CUSSING? does that - make you a big boy, cause you talk foul mouthed like your millennia's are a waste of resources..the single most usless and worthless side of mankind in existence..i blame your parents DNA..cant fix DNA..there is no hope for you. you got the rest of your life ponder why.
this map probaly started out as a good concept..but - failed somewhere in the process.. do partly to the scripts..hired AI operated my vehicles like stupid kids, and I use default in game equipment when I test a its not the conflicting mods dilemma. a weird map - has a creepy feel to it..cant put into words..the more you add in the frame rate drops drastically, and the view is shit after about 20 minutes..i added trees, just so I wouldn't have an epileptic seizure..the smell of formaldeh
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