Welcome to the Przemas Outback map.
If you like Outback atmosphere, this map is perfect for you. Advantages of the map:
- Two separate farms (multiplayer option) can be combined into one big farm.
- Two separate train lines for each farm.
- The map is ideal for growing cotton and creating huge amounts of silage.
- 3.5 x larger BGA than standard, integrated with the farm.
- Diverse fields from 1 to 20 hectares.
- Each field is near the train path - allowing direct loading.
- 3 forests - small, medium and large.
- Animated irrigation systems (visual effect), increased train and trafic road speed.
- 1 Downloads in
5 years ago
Map seems pretty good so far. Only thing I have found so far is when you go into the BGA it says don't go to deeply into the water or something like that.
@HI - it's underwater bga, remember to get deep breath before you go there :P
B.O.B. Looksee By Train - Przemas Outback - Farming Simulator 19 - https://youtu.be/pkmBbIpn-T4
@manti lmao. I did and damned near drowned anyway
manque village pas de piéton dommage ?
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