Yo! From this page zielak04! I present to you another map of Poland to LS 19. This is an edit map of Starowieś by VenTuriO (whom I thank for giving permission for editing) from FS 13. The map contains:
Lands and missions bought in the fields,
Two economies
All farm buildings can be sold and some can be put somewhere else,
Traffic and pedestrians
A few purchases
And everything else that should contain a complete map for FS 19.
Please do not change the link to the map and do not edit it (unless you need it for yourself).

1 Downloads in
5 years ago

ça doit être dur de faire une photo do PDA
oui surement sa manque sur beaucoup de map les temps son dur les photo coute cher
Wish there was a photo of the map. I hate downloading them to find out they are small.
@Rakkasans Look video, and you see all.
Very nice map.
and RAKKASANS..i forgive you for being naïve. but you running your mouth about what you hate, inspired me to run mine.. this gorgeous map Starowies is a real farm in Poland and has been around Farming Simulator Game Series since FS13..its Legendary.. pull your pants up chump..i can see you got shit stains and shit for brains.
Very enjoyable map played with old small equipment, but for the life of me I can't get the cow slurry trigger to work, any tips?
version 1.0.3.?????
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