Comments by FarmSimGod

4 years ago

<p>Do you have a website or contact method, where I can contact you to discuss possible changes, additions or features to future versions of this mod. The comment boxes on this site are not great f...

<p>Are these buildings now Seasons compatible, or do you still have problems with getting rain and snow in all the buildings? I loved and used the previous HOF Pack and your European Edition but ha...

<p>@Daniel, no it doesn't have Animal Pen Extension and isn't Season's Supported. So not sure what this update is about, as it's the exact same Mod Pack released back in March, no changes or anythi...

<p>@Name you are a massive, complete and total CUNT, why don't you go play in the traffic and stop talking shit about a map you clearly aren't good enough to make or even play.</p>

<p>No Farmer Schubi made and released 9 Production Buildings, all of which worked perfectly fine. Perhaps you only downloaded his first released one and then didn't download his updated versions wh...

<p>Getting an error with this mod, when trying to run it on a server, and it prevents anyone being able to log in. Error in Server Log is: 2019-11-17 20:43 D:/FS19 Mod Folder Manager/Greenwich/FS19...